Chapter One

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It seemed that ever since Liam saw Avia, he now see’s her everywhere. He hadn’t realized that she’s in his biology class, they pass by each other when he’s going to lacrosse practice and her locker is right across from his. Now that she was in his sights, he knows that she’s not going to be escaping for a while.

“So I was thinking,” Liam says walking up to Avia’s locker. Avia turns to see him standing there and if looks could kill, Liam would be a goner. “That’s a first.” Avia mutters earning a soft laugh from Liam. 

“I want to take you out.” Liam smirks earning an eyebrow raise from Avia. “After the game, there’s a party. Only the team and their dates are invited.” He adds. Avia laughs closing her locker. “Look Liam, save yourself the trouble.” She says putting her books in her right arm. “I’m not interested. I never will be.” She adds walking off.

“I’m not giving up!” Liam shouts to her as she walks off to her class. She turns around looking at him slightly before continuing to walk off. “You’re an actual idiot.” He hears turning to see Mason with a smile on his face. “She’s not interested.”

“And you said you weren’t interested in Ryan last year but we all know how that turned out.” He smirks earning Mason’s eyes to widen. “That’s different,” He says defending himself as Liam rolls his eyes. “He was actually interested in me.” 

“Dude, he just wanted sex.” Liam laughs making Mason roll his eyes and sigh in defeat. “Just don’t come whining to me when you realize that she doesn’t like you because I will not be the good friend who doesn’t say ‘I told you so’ because dude, I did tell you so.” Mason snaps making Liam roll his eyes once again at his best friend.

“Look, I have tricks up my sleeve that she might be impressed with. Never underestimate a man with tricks.” He says smiling. “I can see it now, a romantic date, I walk her to her door and we look up at the stars.” He smirks as Mason feels like he wants to stab himself with a knife several times at the torture of hearing him speak. “And then she slaps you waking you up from your fictional story.” Mason smirks adding making Liam roll his eyes for about the thousandth time since this conversation began.

“Fine.” Liam says. “Continue to think what you think but even though you’re my best friend and I should listen to you, I’m not going to.” He adds smirking. “Liam, there’s a lot of things you should listen to. Like those fire alarms at the pizza place down the street that time.”

“I didn’t smell any smoke.” He says making Mason cross his arms staring at his best friend. “Okay, maybe I should have listened but still. This is different. What’s love without a little bit of a fight to get there?” Liam says raising an eyebrow at Mason who just sighs. “Fine, but like I said, I am not afraid to say ‘I told you so’.” 


Liam did fight and fight for Avia to pay the least bit of attention to him. Avia noticed him trying to get to her but she ignored it because one, she was not interested in him and two, it was kind of hilarious watching him be ignored. 

A week later and Liam was still at it. Avia gave him credit for not giving up but that wasn’t going to win her over. She told Mason to pass the message on thousands of times that she’s not interested but Liam just kept going at it. It was like the more he got told no, the more he fought. 

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