Clouds Before the Storm [Liam Dunbar.]

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Liam walked through the halls of Beacon Hills like he usually did. Ever since things changed Freshman year, he's kind of learned to deal with things how they are. Not that he had a choice and all. It's like everything plays out how it's supposed to be. Besides the whole teen wolf thing.

"You alright?" A voice says making Liam snap out of his daze. Out of everything, school was boring. Why would he pay attention when there was much bigger things on his mind? "You nearly walked into a locker five times." Mason says slightly laughing at his best friends attention span.

"Yeah, just not ready for this biology test." Liam says as Mason nods understandingly. "You know that girl was drooling over you right?" Mason points out making Liam turn his head around. He see's the girl basically fainting over him and shrugs. "Come on, you're the only guy in our class who doesn't have a girlfriend." He adds.

"What's the big deal? I have other priorities." He says. "Liam, you don't want to be a virgin forever do you?" Mason says smirking making Liam pull his neck forcing his head down.

"Did you have to say that out loud?" He asks feeling slightly embarrassed. "What? That you're a -" Mason tries to say but gets cut off as Liam puts a hand over his best friends mouth. The bell rings making both boys conversation basically end as they head separate directions for their next classes.

As Liam goes to his class, he feels himself re-entering the daze he was previously in. He doesn't really pay attention to anything around him until he hears a gasp making him snap out of it. He see's a girl standing before him holding her head muttering "great" and staring at her books on the ground.

"Sorry about that." Liam says bending down to pick the books and papers up. He looks at one of the papers seeing the name Avia before handing them to her. The whole time he was doing so, she kept muttering great and of course. "Thanks." She whispers grabbing the books from him.

"You alright?" He asks knowing that the girl obviously had more going on than just the books being dropped. "Why would you care?" She asks finally looking up. When Liam see's her, he feels a shock run through his body. Her eyes are a deep blue that almost seem to be staring into his soul. Her hair rests on her head and it looks so natural that it's almost impossible. How had he not seen her around before?

"It's just, I mean-" He says getting lost for his words still kind of dazed for different reasons now. "I've never seen you around before." He says finally saying something solid. The girl laughs, and if he wasn't so confused he would think it's the cutest thing he's ever heard. "You're joking right?" She asks earning a confused stare from Liam. "I went to Devenford with you. And we've went to the same school together since 3rd grade." She adds crossing her arms all while holding her books.

"When did you move here?" Liam asks confused. Even if they went to school together like she claims, how had he not seen her before? He doesn't see someone like that everywhere he goes. He would remember a girl like this. "A week before you not that it matters." She spits. "Goodbye Liam." She says walking away as his eyes follow her until they can't any more.


"What do you know about a girl named Avia?" Liam asks sitting down at the lunch table with Mason. Mason looks at him with a look that makes him feel like a pure idiot. "You mean my best friend other than you Avia?" He asks.

"You have friends besides me?" Liam asks raising an eyebrow making Mason laugh sarcastically. "Very funny." He says. "But seriously, Avia Matthews?" Liam nods taking a bite into his apple. "Dude, don't even think about it."

"What?" Liam asks confused. He hadn't said anything besides asking her name. "I know that look. It's the same look you had for that Kira girl that one time." Mason says before continuing. "She's one of my best friends and she basically hates you."

"How does she hate me?" He asks. "She doesn't even know me." He adds defending himself. Until today, he hadn't seen this girl and now she already hates him. "Maybe if you paid attention, you wouldn't be so oblivious to everything. Hadn't you noticed Emma moved?"

"Emma moved?" Liam asks with his eyes widening making Mason hold his hands up. "See?" Liam frowns looking down at his platter of food from the cafeteria line. "She's not your type anyways." Mason adds making Liam look up again.

"And how do you know that?" Liam asks staring at Mason. "She's into like indie bands and Project Runway. While you're into lacrosse and lacrosse." Mason smirks. Maybe he's right. The girl seems more fond of the gum on her shoe than him. Maybe he should move on. He laughs to himself, yeah right.

"I'm gonna try though." Liam smirks making Mason shake his head knowing his best friend is making a mistake. "Alright, but when it never happens, don't say I didn't tell you so." Mason says but Liam ignores him. He's never been one to take no for an answer anyways.


"Hey you." Avia says sitting down next to Mason in the library. She sets down her bag and books before handing him a coffee. "Whatcha doin' nerd?" She smirks taking a drink. Mason rolls his eyes while continuing to type. "Book report." He says, "And you call me the nerd meanwhile you finished yours weeks ago." He adds making Avia only smirk.

"Don't hate the player, hate the game." She says pulling out her laptop. "So you have a secret admirer." Mason says making her turn her head so quickly she thinks she might have whiplash.

"What are you talking about?" Avia asks confused. Sure she's dated guys before but never has she had a secret admirer or so Mason claims. "Well, I wouldn't say admirer but he sure as hell likes you or something." Mason says making Avia just continue to stare at him. "Liam." He smirks making Avia's face twist in slight disgust.

"Why?" She asks in a tone that Mason laughed at. "I mean, he's ignored me for all this time and now he likes me? What even?" Mason laughs even more as he hears her go on about him. "Look, I told him that you're not his type but I don't think he's going to back down. Just thought you should be warned." He says continuing to type his book report.

"Yes because having a guy that is a total douche bag chase me is going to be a great time." Avia groans putting her head on the table. Mason pats her softly. "There there." He says. "Look, if it makes you feel any better, Liam's game is only good on the field. He sucks at getting girls. Hell, I can get girls better than him." Mason smirks making Avia laugh.

"You're a great best friend. Making fun of him and telling the girl he likes that he likes her behind his back." She points out. Mason shrugs. "Please, have you met him? He's lucky to have me."

"Yes because you're better than a gold medal." Avia smirks making him playfully hit her. "Fine, study for the biology test by yourself." He says smirking. Avia's smirk turns to a frown.

"Welp, I guess I'll have to keep you then. But hey, one wrong move and you're going to the pound." She says making him stare at her confused. "A pound?"

"Yes, you're a dog. Or probably a like teacup puppy because you're not scary at all." Avia says smiling. "You're comparing me to a freaking dog. Nice Aves." Mason says shaking his head at her. Beacon Hills High is definitely not the most boring thing in the world.

Clouds Before the Storm [Liam Dunbar.]Where stories live. Discover now