What Is This, A Party?

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*Previously on To Save Our World, The door opens and Naomi is crying. “Naomi, I'm sorry. I never wanted--”

“Mon-el asked me to marry him.” Now back to the story.*

*Kara’s POV*

“He asked you to marry him?”

"Yeah, can you believe it?”

“No, that’s great… I’m… I’m happy for you.” I turn around and walk off in tears. I fly to the loft and call Alex.

“Hi, Kara. Please tell me those are tears of joy.” I don’t answer, I just keep crying. “Okay, no. I'm coming home right now.” Ten minutes later she walks in. “Tell me you are not lying here, torturing yourself with a copy of Romeo and Juliet and pictures of you two.”

“The brightness of her cheeks would shame those stars.” I say.

“I’ve read it honey. I know how it ends.”

“That's funny because it seems like Mon-el has forgotten.Oh, Alex, he asked Naomi to marry him.” I cry out.

“What? That's crazy.”

“Maybe. Or maybe crazy is me thinking that-- that he could still have feelings for me after all this time.”

“But we both know Mon-el has a history of throwing himself into the wrong relationship, especially when he can't admit the truth about who he loves.”

“No. It's different this time.”


“What am I supposed to do?”

“Come here.” She sits on the couch and I lay my head on her lap. “First, you're gonna let go.” She took the pictures and the book out of my hand and set them aside. “And now we're gonna sit, and you are gonna cry for as long as you need to, okay?” She starts rubbing my head. We sit there for what seems like forever.

*Mon-el’s POV*

“J’onn, I got engaged last night.”

“Did you just say "engaged"? Congratulations. So, who's the lucky girl?”

“You're kidding, right?”

“No, that's a legit question. With Kara here the ball could be in anybodies court.”

“Stop. It's Naomi.” He frowns.

“Oh… that’s a uh good choice.” He pats my shoulder.

“Now, why do I not believe you?”

“Because I’m lying to you.”

“What is so wrong with Naomi?”

“Nothing is wrong with her, but everyone here was rooting for you and Kara.”

“Okay, it’s not my fault she broke up with me. She’s a big girl she makes her own decisions.”

“Yes I know, but you do realize how incredibly sorry she is right?”

“I guess not.” I shake my head and walk off. I run into Alex who flicks me in the head. “Ow, why… why did you do that?”

“Why did you propose right after kissing Kara?” I sigh.

“I love Naomi and yes Kara and I kissed but it didn’t mean anything.”


“Alex, you are my best friend, you should be supporting me.”

“I want to support you I really do. But Kara is pretty much my sister. It feels like she is.”

“But she’s not, why can’t you be happy for me?”

“Cause the only thing that has my attention right now is Kara. Her heart is broken.”

“You know what, I’ve had enough of this “Kara’s heart is broken” crap. She left me! I moved on, she should to.” I storm away angry but she grabs my shoulder.

“She may have left you then, but she’s trying to get you back now. And I don’t think she’s gonna stop. Shouldn’t that count for something?” I walk away shaking my head. I go back to the apartment and find Naomi on the couch reading.

“Hey.” She says.

“Hi.” I fall onto the couch and lay my head back. She rubs it.

“Aww, have you had a rough day?”

“You have no idea.” I look at her and hold her hand. “Hey I just want you to know, whatever happens, I love you.”

“You’re scaring me.”

“Don’t be scared. Alex told me that Kara is trying to get me back. I told her I moved on but she won’t stop so.”

“I get it.”

“There’s nothing to get. I’m gonna marry you okay?”

“Okay.” She nods. I pull her close to me and we stay there and cuddle. A couple hours later I get a call from Alex.



“WE NEED YOUR H-” The line goes dead.

“I gotta go.” Before she says anything I jump out the window and go to the D.E.O. When I get there I see agents in pain and dead on the ground. I stop by one that was still conscious. “Hey, what happened?”

“I… I don’t know there was this… this woman. She… she.”

“She what?” I ask trying to get one more answer out of him, but he falls unconscious. I quietly walk around trying not to be detected.

“Pss.” I look around. “Pss.” I look under a table and there lies Alex. I run over to her and get under with her.

“Alex, oh Rao I’m glad you’re okay.”

“I’m not.” She points to her bleeding leg.

“What happened.” I ask in a whispering voice.

“Some woman came here and started tearing us apart. But Mon-el, she looked exactly like Kara.” I get panicked.

“Where is Kara?”

“I don’t know. She told me she was on her way to the D.E.O. but she never made it. Mon-el what if she hurt Kara.”

“I’m sure Kara’s fine. Is she still here?”

“I don’t know, I don’t think so.”

“Okay, we need to get this leg bandaged up.” She nods. I climb out from under the table and Alex does the same. I pick her up and set her on a table in the medbay. “What happened to your leg anyway?”

“Heat vision.” I get alcohol and a rag from the cabinet.

“You need to bite on this because this is gonna burn.” She nods and puts the rag in her mouth. I hold my hand out for her to grab and she does. I start pouring the alcohol on the wound.

“UGHHHHH!” She screams. After disinfecting it, I finally cover the wound with a bandage and take the rag out of her mouth. “You enjoyed that didn’t you?” She asked, breathing heavy.

“A little bit.” I smile. “Come on, we need to get out of here and find Kara.” I pick her up and we walk downstairs to a computer. A few minutes of searching and we find nothing. Then Naomi walks in.

“Mon-el, what the hell happened here?”

“Alien invader.”

“What are you looking for?”


“Here move over. I have some experience with computers.” She types away and a couple minutes later we get a response. “Found her. She’s at her loft.” I get confused.

“I’ll go check it out, stay here.”

“Well, I don’t have much of a choice now do I?” I run off the balcony and jump to Kara’s loft. I go in through the window and I walk around. I walk into the bedroom and find…

Sorry for the cliffhanger.


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