Episode 4: The Return of Vlad Masters

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Published: December 1, 2018

Episode Plot:

Things are going crazy in not only the Mortal Zone but the Ghost Zone as well. Whilst Clockwork discovers terrifying news, Tucker, Danny, Sam, Valerie and Danielle may have found out something just as bad.


Somewhere deep within the Ghost Zone, the master of time finds himself growing irritated and angry as he keeps his eyes squeezed shut and tiredly rubs his temples.

Things were not going as planned.

"We have to do something about this, Clockwork! And by we—"

"You mean, me. I get it. I know. You've told me that like over a human life span amount of times. Trust me, I get it." Clockwork snapped, switching from his toddler form to his elderly man form. When he was frustrated, he usually switched between being a toddler or an old man.

"Not to mention that you have to tell him—"

"I said, I've got it!" Clockwork yelled, just wanting them all to leave him be and let him do his job. If they just kept popping in whenever they wanted, pestering him 24/7, then how did they ever expect him to do anything when he couldn't find his peace of mind?

"But you don't have much time left, Clockwork," One of the Observants spoke, their voice uncharacteristically calm and not nagging. Clockwork sighed and nodded exhaustedly. "I know." He muttered, to drained to sound polite.

He had a lot going through his mind at the moment and being polite wasn't necessarily one of his top priorities, especially if it was to the Observants.

"I suppose that we've bugged you enough for now," Another one chimed in.

"Yes, I agree. It's up to you, Clockwork to figure this out because as well all know, we are only Observants. We are not allowed to interfere with time in any way, shape or form. But you can. You can fix and adjust things. No one is going to be satisfied by this solution—not in the beginning at least but it is mandatory and time is—"

"Of the essence." Clockwork filled in and the Observant who was speaking, nodded. "Precisely. Observants, let's move out." The other Observants nodded and murmurs of some form agreement or response before they all flashed out, one by one leaving Clockwork alone once again with his rather troublesome thoughts.

Clockwork let out a deep exhale, letting his shoulders slump as he shifted to his teenaged form and carefully watched the scene on the screen before him.

The sight was not pretty to say the least.

And the Observants were unfortunately correct.

No one would be happy with this solution. People would be angry. Some may rebel. But it was there only hope. When Clockwork has looked into the future to see other possible solutions there had only been just one that promised to be successful as long as there were no interferences or sudden changes.

Clockwork just prayed that things for once would go right and run smoothly. This was going to be hard enough as it is.

"Is Danny looking any better?" Tucker Foley asked his childhood best friend, Sam Manson who was tending to their other best friend, Danny who had blacked out on Sam and his drive over here.

Tucker assumed it was most likely from shock but it couldn't be confirmed until Danny woke up. But he knew one thing for sure: Sam was going to beat whatever living daylights were left in Danny's human form for scaring her so badly.

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