Episode 3: Trouble in Paradise

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Published: November 22, 2018

Episode Plot:

Danny and Sam just want to have a normal relationship, not constantly be busy fighting ghost, dealing with college or paparazzi. But when you're a world-famous superhero, that makes things a just a tad bit more complicated.


Danny and Sam ran as fast as they could, both panting heavily and both secretly wishing that they had agreed to let Jazz give them a ride.

Neither of them had expected this.

And no, they weren't running from a ghost. In fact, they were running from a crowd of maybe twenty people who refused to stop chasing them and not just any crowd—paparazzi.

Sam groaned in annoyance as she stole a glance over her shoulder and angrily yelled, "Just leave us alone!"

"Sam, come on! We can loose them in here!" Danny's voice suddenly grabbed Sam's attention. They were both out of breath and ready to collapse but if they stopped now, the paparazzi would surround them on all sides and they'd have no chance of escaping.

The two had just wanted a peaceful Friday night together but when a ghost had come out and attacked some nearby civilians and of course, Danny had to go and save them.

But the second the ghost was defeated, a crowd had formed with tons of fans and a handful of paparazzi. The fans had been mostly easy to get rid of, but the paparazzi...well...not so much.

Sam followed Danny's lead as the two of them merged into a busy crowd that was bustling in the streets, Sam's grip tightening on Danny's hand so that they wouldn't get separated and his hand giving her hand, a squeeze back in reassurance and comfort that he was there.

Both of them had changed a bit since they started began college but not too much. Sam had upgraded her outfit a little and innovated her normal black crop-top and replaced the classic purple oval on it with the classic and now famous, "Danny Phantom" symbol. The one that she had designed and was now recognizable throughout the world.

She kept her hair in the same half-up, half down style and kept it short along with her plaid skirt but added a long purple jacket that kind of resembled a rain jacket.

"Okay, I think that we'll be safe in here." Danny said, pulling Sam out of her thoughts. She blinked her eyes a couple times as she returned to reality and realized that Danny had pulled them both inside a little café and had managed to get them away from the paparazzi.

And what did she do?

She just got absorbed in thoughts and to be completely honest, she couldn't recall how they had even gotten here.

"Uh, Sam, are you okay?" Danny asks, concern clear in his voice and evident in his gaze. Sam shook her head and blinked her violet colored eyes a few more times while saying, "Oh yeah, um, I'm okay. Sorry Danny I just—"

"It's fine, Sam. Really." Danny assured her with a small smile which Sam gratefully returned. "So um, where exactly are we?" Sam asked as she finally looked around the café.

Danny shrugged. "I just saw a sign which I assumed meant it was for a business, hence meaning open to the public and a good place to get away. I guess I lucked out with the fact that it's a coffee shop. A perfect spot to have our date I suppose, conveniently enough."

Sam gave him a questioning glance with a raised eyebrow, an immediate feeling of distrust quickly forming in the pit of her stomach making her feel uneasy and slightly on edge. "Good coincidences never happen to us, Danny. Even something as tiny as this."

Danny Phantom: Going Ghost Again (S4)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt