Minutes passed by and my mom still wasn't downstairs yet. I didn't think any thing of it until there was a knock at the door.

I open the door and see a familiar face. It wasn't Jaspers, thank God, but it was another boy from my class. I think his name was Evan.

Evan wasn't one of those people who listened to Jasper. He would just mind his own business. He was one of the popular kids in the class because of his good looks and he was sweet to people. I never had a problem with him seeing how I hardly ever talked to him. But when I did, he was always nice.

"Hi Hattie," Evan smiled when I opened the door.

"Hey Evan," I smiled back. "Still doing deliveries?"

"Yeah, but it's great actually. I get to drive around listening to music all the time," he said as he ran his hand through his dirty blond hair, which made it look even better. "How's your break so far?"

"I've watched so much Netflix," I tell him with a laugh.

"That so? What have you watched?" He asked curiously.

"Like, a season of Supernatural, all of the Hauntings at Hill House, the new season of Orange is the New Black," I say as I count my fingers.

Evan looked dumbfounded. "We've only been off for two days."

I smiled shyly. "I have a lot of time on my hands these days."

"Really? I'm jealous. I wish I was you then," he chuckled.

"Well becoming me might not be all you think it is considering... everything."

"You mean Jasper?" He asked. I was shocked that he knew what I was talking about, but I nodded. "That guys a dick."

"Shh, he might hear you," I say as I motioned next door. "I wouldn't want you to be next on his hit list."

"Naw, I could take him in a fight," he says confidently. "But hey, if you're looking for something to do over the summer, you could work at the restaurant. We're hiring."

"Thanks, but I'm not much of a people person. Plus I can't cook," I tell him.

"You sure? I could talk to the big man and get you a delivery job like me," he offers.

"Really?" I asked. A job would be nice, and considering at this rate, I'll end up watching everything on Netflix. Before I could say anything else, I heard footsteps come down the stairs. I turned around and saw my mom walking down the stairs still wearing her work clothes. "Mom?"

"I'm sorry, sweetie," she says as she grabbed her purse off of the table by the door. "I left some papers at work that I need."

"Can't your assistant get them?" I asked with pleading eyes, but she didn't see them.

"No. I'll probably be back late, so if I don't see you again, I'll see you in a couple of weeks," she says as she walks past, kisses my forehead, and walks out the door. Suddenly, she stopped on the porch, and I hoped she would turn around and realize she didn't need the papers and stay, but she only reached into her purse and pulled out a twenty and handed it to Evan. "Keep the change."

With that, she was gone.

"Are you okay," Evan asked, which snapped me out of the trance I was in.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I said, waving him off. "It happens all the time."

Evan looked at me with what I thought looked like concern. He even peered passed me and looked into the quiet house.

"Are you just here by yourself," he asked.

"Yeah, so expect a big party to happen. Invitations are in the mail," I say sarcastically, but I was the only one who found it funny.

Evan reached into the bag and pulled out the receipt. I then watched him pull a pen out of his pants pocket and scribble something onto the back of the receipt before handing it to me.

"Here's my number," he says with a smile. "Call me or text me if you need anything."

I didn't know what to say, so I went with the first thing that popped into my head.

"I don't think Lizzie would be to pleased to know that your giving girls your number," I say and then mentally slap myself.

"Don't worry," he chuckled. "Lizzie and I broke up."

"Oh," I say in surprise. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay. It was mutual. We both wanted different things," he explains.

"Okay then," I said as I shifted my feet. "Well, you should get back to work."

"Alright," he chuckled as he handed me the food and started to walk down the front steps. "If you don't call, I'll call you since I got your home phone number. Or I'll just show up with lasagna. Which ever one seems best."

"Okay," I say with a small smile as I waved. I closed the door behind me and slid down against it.

"Dinner for one," I sigh as I push it aside. I no longer felt hungry.

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