Im gonna be a daddy

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You were trembling in the bathroom on the floor having a full blown panic attack you were sweating you couldn't stop shaking than an you heard the dreaded sound of a alarm this was is it was time to see the results
And there it was your stomach sank to the ground the two pink lines

You: please let this be wrong

You were pregnant, pregnant with Jeromes child

You had two more pregnancy test and tried them but both came out positive

You: fucking how!...I was on the goddamn pill

You threw the pregnancy test to the wall

You weren't mad that you were pregnant you always wanted to have kids but when you met Jerome you had to give up that dream you were so afraid for the child and for yourself you didn't know how Jerome would respond or how Jerome would treat his child

You were decided weather or not if you should tell him when you heard Jerome's voice

Jerome: doll come give daddy a hug!

He screamed from downstairs

You panicked and immediately grabbed the test and threw them in the bathtub
Realizing your mistake you tried to pick them up but it was to late

Jerome: hello doll

You quickly closed the shower curtain and turned to him

You: Jerome your home...why so soon

Jerome: I thought you liked it when I came home from work early

You walked towards Jerome and gave him a hug

You: I do

Jerome embraced you in the tightest hug you've ever had and kissed you forehead

Jerome: I'm gonna go take a shower

You: no!

Jerome stared at you confused

You: no...I like the way you look with blood all over your face

Jerome: yeah no I'm tired doll plus this blood is really starting to burn my skin

You: wait- what if we go to the bedroom and have a little fun

You fidget with his collar

Jerome: uhh I don't know doll

You: please...I've been really frustrated lately

Jerome: alright only because you've been a good girl and you deserve a treat

-time skip-

Jerome was sleeping and you slowly got off of the bed and walked to the bathroom and grabbed the test you were about to leave to throw them out in the dumpster when-

Jerome: (y/n) what are you doing up?

He said in a groggy voice

You hid the pregnancy test behind you back

You: I couldn't sleep

Jerome: what do you have behind your back?

You: nothing

Jerome: let me see

He says walking closer to you

You: it's nothing I promise

Jerome: let me see

He says reaching behind you back
You quickly move you hand away from his

Jerome: (y/n) let me see it

You: I swear it's nothing

Jerome: than let me see it

You: hey let's go upstairs and try to sleep

Jerome: no let me see it

He snatched one away from you

You gasp

You: Jerome no!-

Jerome: what is this...your pregnant

You: that's not mine it's my friends I swear

Jerome: don't lie to me (y/n)...are you pregnant!

Jerome raised his voice

You:.....yes...I'm so sorry Jerome-

Jerome: is it mine

You: yes

Jerome: than why are you apologizing

You looked up at him a smile on his face

Jerome: I'm gonna be daddy....IM GONNA BE A DADDY!

You: yeah! You are!....wait your not mad?

Jerome: no....why would I be mad

You: told me you never wanted kids in your life

Jerome: that was then when we were just starting out were there where no strings attached but now I'm with the love of my life and I can't wait to have this beautiful baby boy

He grabs your stomach and starts rubbing it

You: or girl...we never know

Jerome: no I'm 100% sure it's a boy

You: of course you are Jerome

Jerome: lets go to bed little j and mrs valeska

You smiled

And gave Jerome a kiss
*says she's gonna post every Saturday*

Also me:
*drops off the face of the earth for almost a month*

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