The Move

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My name is Angel King and I'm finally eighteen years old. And you know what that means. Time to move to LA, I've decided to wait a year before I go to university so I could just do fun things and explore and focus on my YouTube channel more and going to LA is perfect for me. I mean it took a lot of convincing to get my mom to let me go but when I finally did I made sure to buy the ticket right away and get an apartment so she can't change her mind. I have brown hair and honey brown eyes and I'm about 5'6 and currently in Edmonton, Canada and on my way to LA.

"Mom I'm gonna miss my flight, hurry!!" I yell at my mom because she's taking way too long it almost seems like she wants me to miss my flight.
"Relax, I'm coming" She replies. While my mom is coming I decided to say bye to my siblings one more time. I've always been saying I want to move and get away from them but now that it's happening I'm actually sad, I'm gonna miss waking up to their screams.

Finally, my mom came downstairs with my last bag and I said goodbye and drove off. My mom isn't driving me to the airport because she's watching my siblings and because I know she'll be trying to convince me to stay. So I'm taking an Uber there. I have two more hours till my flight and I'm going early just in case.
Like who am I, going early somewhere for the first time, sheesh.

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When I arrived at the airport I had a big goofy smile on my face because I was so excited and people kept looking at me weirdly but honestly, I couldn't care less. I found where I was supposed to go and I grabbed a seat near it and I waited until my flight finally came and thank god I had the window seat. When I was on the plane I decided to just read some book play games and listen to music I downloaded and shows I downloaded on Netflix.

This whole time I've been on my phone or looking out the window that I didn't notice this smoking hot guy sitting next to me. damn, he's fine as fuck. I wanna talk to him and get his number and shit because its not like I'm ever gonna see him again but I'm gonna be on this flight for another hour so I'm not sure if I should talk to him and risk making this whole flight weird and awkward.

I've been sitting here debating on if I should do anything or not and finally I decided to just go for it. It's not like I'm ever gonna see him again. I turn to my right and see that hes on his phone and as I was staring, I dropped the book I was reading. I mumble a sorry and as I'm going to grab it, something really fucking hard hits my head. Fuck, ugh I was just trying to look at this fine ass man. We hit our heads together and he has a really fucking hard head.
"Fuck sorry" he says while he rubs his head.
"No it's okey, sorry" I say.
I grab my book my self and apologize again.
He had a nice soft brown hair with a streak of blonde and beautiful brown eyes. He was wearing a pink and white shirt withe the number "75" on his left side of his chest. Oh my god he was breath taking.

"Hello?..." I heard and that's when I realized I was starting at him like a freak, fuck.

"Oh... I uh.., I'm sorry" I said, sheesh I can't even talk. I heard a chuckle and decided to look at his fine ass again.

"I'm Grayson, Grayson Dolan" he said in a really sexy raspy voice. With the cutest smile ever with his earring dangling.

"Hi, I'm Angel King" I told him shaking his hand. I expected to let go of his hand but he kept holding it longer then needed. Finally he let go. Anyways we continued talking and I found out that he was in Edmonton for a business thing and how he was supposed to come with his brother but his brother accidentally ended up in Vancouver. Like how does that even happen.

I also found out he lives in LA and is a YouTuber and that made me so happy and I told him how I was a YouTuber and going to LA for the first time and he offered to show me around and help me out which was sooo sweat.

The plane landed and after we both got our bags we decided to walk together.
"You know if I'm gonna show you around I'll need to contact you" he said with a cute smile and I just melted. So I gave him my Number.
We walked a bit further and after we parted ways.

I was trying to get a taxi but it was really hard. I kept trying to get one but people kept getting in the taxis.
"Hello!!" I screamed at a taxi driver but he just rolled his windows up.
"Fuck yo.." I was interrupted by a warm hand holding my arm and I was about to knock some sense into the guy who touched me for no reason until I realized it was Grayson.

"How about we give you a ride" he told me with a smile and he did not need to say that again.  We walked up to a really nice turquoise Jeep that I instantly fell in love with.
"Wow you have an amazing car" I suddenly said while I just looked at the car in awe.
"Thanks" he said with the cutest blush ever.
I swear to god this guy is so cute.

As I'm walking towards the car a guy comes out of the passengers seat and oh my god.
He looks so much like Grayson's I was shocked.
"Oh yea, my brother and I are twins" he said. Well no shit, he should've told me before then maybe I wouldn't be as shocked.
"Yo, I'm Ethan" his twin brother says. He's cute but not as cute as Grayson. It's weird saying that since they look exactly alike. But the way they dress and style their hair and talk is different.
"Angel" I say, then I suddenly feel the weight being lifted of my hand and I turn to see Grayson just took my bag. Awww he's so

On our way over to my place, the car ride was chill, Grayson and Ethan were both super nice and just hilarious. Ethan got a text message so we're on our way to pick up his friend Emma and James. The car is abut to get crowded.
When we get there to pick them up Ethan decides to drive because Grayson drove 'too slow'. I thought he drove just fine but whatever. Grayson comes to the back and sits on my right and then a brown hair, pretty blue eye girl sits at the front and then a guy named James with absolutely amazing make up sat next to me.

"Hey sister!" He said in a kinda loud voice. I instantly started smiling because I already knew I'd like his personality.
"Hi," I say in a kinda shy voice.
They seemed really nice, and Emma was very hyper.

When we got there Grayson helped me with my bag again and everybody ended coming in my apartment. It was empty, only thing there was my new mattress that got delivered here. I'm glad it's empty because now I can final use all the money I've saved up for house decor.
"This is empty" says Ethan and as I'm about to say something Emma beats me to it.
"What gave it away Ethan?" She says in a sarcastic voice and I can't help but laugh. As I'm laughing I notice Grayson just looking and smiling at me and I started to blush which made him laugh.

Anyways I put my bag in my room and unpacked some stuff and hung them up. It was around one right now sense I took the earlier flight, so I've decided to go shopping.
"I'm going furniture shopping" I randomly announced and they all asked if they could come so I said sure and we went to Ikea and probably stayed there for four hours. I bought a couch, coffee table, stuff for my room,decorations, utensils and a nice bed. By the end of it they were all exhausted so we decided to get food. My stuff is gonna get delivered to me tomorrow.
How much I wish there was Tim Hortons right now. I'd pick Tim's over Starbucks any day.

We got our coffee and snacks and exchanged numbers with each other. They drove me back to my place and this time only Grayson came with me. I had so much fun today I really loved hanging out with them.
"That was fun" Grayson randomly said while I was opening my door.
"Yea it really was, I really enjoyed hanging out with all of you" I said and opened my door leaving it open and while I faced Grayson who was so close to me.
"Yea" he said in a low voice, which was sooo sexy.

"Maybe, we can do this again, but with only me and you" he said and I was trying to hard not to look like an idiot. I looked and was about to nod my head but I realized that if I did we'd kiss. So I just decided to mumble a quiet and breath less yea.

Grayson leaned forward and kissed my cheek and when he was pulling away his lips kinda touched mine. And he put his hand on my cheeks. "You're so fucking gorgeous" he said and I leaned forward and decided to kiss him.

After that wonderful kiss I said "Thanks" with my rosy pink cheeks. Grayson pulled away and gave me a last peck on the cheek and walked away smiling.
I think moving to LA was the best decision I've ever made.


I hope you liked it and feel free to tell me if I made a mistake so I can fix it.

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