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I saw Ink and Dream holding his bow and aiming an arrow at his brother until I saw portals opening like a circle that's surrounding me Nightmare I saw a few Sanses coming out of the portal i saw .Reaper,Blueberry,Heaven,Time,Error,Palette.And saw a few more that i don't know and saw two humans come out portal.It was Andrew and Johan.They both saw me and snapped their fingers and magic sparkles swirl and saw Outer and Horror.

Ink:Let's get this party started.

Error:Wait wait hold the phone.Why did you bring him.

Ink:hm? who?

Error:HIM!*Points at him*

Ink:WHAT can't their be two Errors.

Error:Well then why does this Error have FANGS!

Ink:Well actually he has a different name.

Error:Oh what's his name then?


(How he looks like)



[Portal Opens]


Ink:hm*Looks at him*P-PJ WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE !!

PJ:I want to fight too!

Error:Not gonna happen son.


Nightmare:*covers her mouth with tentacle*Ugh let them finish there talk.

Ink:Fine you can fight.

Fallacy:Wow you have a son cool me to come Jasper!

Jasper:Yeah dad.

Fallacy:Look .

Jasper:*looks at PJ*

PJ And Jasper:You look a lot like me!!

Palette "Guys lets talking more fighting.


Nightmare:*snaps fingers*

When Nightmare snapped his fingers i saw somethings beside me and beside Nightmare.As i looked up i saw someone flimlar i saw that it was Dust he looked down at me i look at him with a worried look he kneel die to my level.

Me:Dust why are you taking their side?

Dust:Because I found out that your getting married with Ink.And it hurts beacuse I FELL in love with you.

Nightmare:*Puts a tentacle in front of them*Eought talk

Dust:*stands up*

???:Nightmare this better not take to long i have to restore my AU.

Nightmare:Don't worry  Cross it won't trust me.

(How Cross looks LIKE and my SHIP!!)

Killer:Ready to battle.


Nightmare:But I do.

Ink:Here's the plan Dream you'll fight your brother While i fight cross .Blue you take down Dust.

Blueberry :Oh ok*in his mind *I don't want to fight Dust cause I like him.

Ink:Andrew ,Johan, Horror,Outer keep everyone's attacks from hiting Shiori.Reaper,Heaven,Time.Make sure to try to take Shiori out of the fight. Is everyone know what to do?

[A Love Story With AU Sanes]Who should i Choose? Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt