XXV. Broken

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Byron did not care that people was starting to question Ellie's true identity.

He would still appear in operas and balls with her by his side.

He did not know how long she would be his.

Soon, for certain, they would be enemies.

-Above and Below


Ysabella simply stared at Emma for quite a long time. All the while, Emma was holding her breath in fear that her sister would ask for a name. She could not lie to her sister.

"I will not ask for his name, Em, so fret not." Ysabella slowly pushed herself from the bed to sit. "I am not going to force you to name him, but know that I will support your decision. I will stand by you, Emma Grace Everard—no matter what happens. No matter how everyone will judge you, I will stand by you."

Emma's tears came falling and as her shoulders began to shake, she saw her sister's blurry form rush toward her and suddenly she was enveloped in an embrace.

"Hush now, darling," Ysabella murmured at the crown of her head. "You will talk to Samuel, yes? He deserves to know once and for all."

Emma nodded, not able to talk.

It would hurt her to hurt Samuel.

"Oh, Ysa, I am going to end up unwed all my life after all," she said as she wiped her tears moments later.

"How can you say that?" Ysabella asked, tucking Emma's hair behind her ears. "Is this man that impossible?"

Emma shook her head. "No, not impossible. I know for certain I can be with him, but he is unreachable. He makes certain of it."

Ysabella narrowed her eyes. "Everyone else thought Wakefield was unreachable for me, Emma. And look where he is now—putting our baby to sleep! Nothing is unreachable if you claim it, dear."

Emma sighed as she tenderly looked at her sister. "I adore your courage, Ysa. I wish I can have it."

Ysabella winked. "Resolve is stronger, Em. And you have that more than I."

Emma held her sister's hand. "I love you, Ysa."

"And I love you, too, Em. Now, I believe I will sleep here tonight after all."

Emma chuckled, wiping the last of her tears. "Like old times?"

Ysabella's emerald eyes were swimming in unshed tears as well. "Like old times."


Samuel quietly walked out of the gaming room and aimlessly began to wander around the very place he grew up in.

If it had not been for his half-sister, Maxine, he would not have discovered the hidden passageways of the Theobald mansion. They spent their childhood hiding in the most unlikely places, eavesdropping and playing spy. They had always both assumed they were invisible to everyone and it was not impossible to be when it came to Theobald.

The place was too large, too complicated with its hidden corridors and doors. It was easy to get lost.

Even until now, he could very well find himself in an unfamiliar place.

Or perhaps it was the fact that Theobald had always seemed to be unfamiliar to him. Ever since he found his passion for writing, this place had become naught but a force that pulled him back from what he truly wanted. His parents did try their best to keep him engaged in the family business. They failed, of course.

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