I did catch people feeding on the humans here but Marcel has a strict no killing rule so I knew they'd be ok. Marcel never lied to me I knew about how they all still fed on humans but otherwise he was fair. Everyone was treated equally that's what I liked about him "May I have this dance" I rolled my eyes and gave him my hand. He spun me around before pulling me into him and carrying me around the room. I laughed a little dancing around carefree, I wasn't afraid here. Marcel would protect me and Marcel's people protected him. Unlike Klaus all his followers were people who respected him instead of fearing him. He picked me up spinning me slowly putting me down and holding me close. The rest of the song we just held onto each other and swayed.

"You really do look beautiful tonight" I looked up at him about to speak when I suddenly couldn't breath. My skin was burning everywhere and I felt a wave of emotions crash into me. It didn't take me long to realize that Marcel wasn't the reason. I pushed him away rushing out of the room desperate for air. A cold chill hit my spine and I sighed finally being able to breath. Where did that come from? Marcel was in front of me in less than a second touching my arm "Are you ok" I pulled away the burn harsher than ever "It's the mark. It's burning again" he frowned "It hasn't done that in a while" I nodded rubbing my leg a little hoping that would fix it. What's going on "Maybe it's because she doesn't belong to you mate" my blood ran cold and I froze "What do you think brother" Kol asked "I would say so. I happen to know just who she belongs to and I would tread lightly if I were you mate" Klaus said making me turn around angrily.

I was so ready to tear into him but my words slipped from my lips as I was hit with everything. The mixture of his emotions and mine were making it impossible for me to pull out a coherent thought. All I could think of was how much I missed him, how much I still loved him. I groaned at my own thoughts knowing that the only reason it was like this was because he was here "What are you doing here" I gritted out "I've come to collect what's mine love. A few trinkets, few favors, my mate, you know everything that belongs to me" I clenched my fists glaring at him "I don't belong to anyone" his eyes flashed amber and I grabbed onto Marcel pulling him behind me slightly.

"Elena stop touching him or he will kill him" Kol said my eyes flickering between them both and then I slowly let him go. The anger on Klaus' face lifted a little and the regular blue of his eyes came back to the fore front. Everyone visibly relaxed at that moment, Kol watched warily as Klaus walked a little closer and I backed up subconsciously "I just want to talk sweetheart that's it" I looked back at Marcel who had his eyes on me the whole time. He knew I'd want to talk to him but he was also prepared to take me away as soon as I asked. I looked back and forth between the two of them before he pulled me over to him sparing a glance at the brothers "You should hear what he has to say. He wouldn't have done all this if it wasn't important. Just listen to him. We can talk later ok" I nodded and Marcel hugged me before leaving me with Kol and Klaus.

"Let's talk then" Kol rushed off as soon as Marcel left winking and smiling at me. I sat at a nearby bench crossing my arms, I surely wasn't starting this conversation. It was silent for a while and I looked over to see that he was as always assessing me. My hair had changed for the party I put red steaks in it again, cut it and put it in soft curls. It made me smirk when I remembered how Klaus didn't like it. As he looked me over I felt stronger than I did at first. I wasn't as effected by him like I usually am "I don't have the time for this Klaus what do you want" he smirked and sped up to me, being so close instantly the bond buzzed, pulled and tugged at me to be even closer. I pursed my lips and swallowed my feelings as he spoke to me.

"Isn't obvious? I miss you" I looked up at him my breathing wavering before I pushed by him walking away "You don't get to miss me" he walked beside me sighing quickening his pace to keep up with me "You used and lied to me. I don't get how you seem to feel like you get the right" he grabbed my arm and I turned to face him "I understand. I shouldn't have used your blood without you knowing but can you allow me to explain" I scoffed and shook my head "What about this needs more explaining somehow you managed to get my blood without me knowing using the bond against me like I should've but didn't do to you. You know how funny that is? The very thing you spent so much time worrying I was gonna do to you, you turned around and did to me" I shook my head at him pulling away and walking back towards the party.

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