Ch. 8

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I hugged him and buried my face into the crook of his neck sobbing. He patted my back to comfort me. He was right.. about everything. The reason I ran away was because I was scared of the truth. I was to afraid that I would loose Yoongi. I was too afraid to let it be true that it the baby in Bailey was Yoongi's.

I woke up early and saw Jungkook sleeping on the sofa in my room. I made breakfast, feed Yoonji, and then Jungkook drove me to work. It was different today. We didn't do anything couple like. He just simply drop me off. The school day went like normal. I waited will Haesung for Yoongi. When Yoongi arrive Haesung ran to hug him. "If you have time I would like to speak with you."

"About Haesung." I smiled at him. "I also have something to talk to you about." I handed him a paper this time.

Same spot @ Han River
- Tonight, 8:00 p.m.

He smirked at me and walked away with Haesung. Jungkook came to pick me up from work and drove me home. When it was 7:56 p.m., he sent me to Han River with Yoonji in her car seat. In front I saw Yoongi walking to our same spot.

"Thank you." I grabbed Jungkook's hand and smile at him. He smiled back to me. "He must've been worried sick about you." He held my hand tightly and let go as a gesture of letting me go. "Take care of Yoonji."

"I'll see you at tomorrow ?" He said as I got out of the car. "What ? Why ?"

"Enjoy your night." He teased and drove off. I smiled and ran to Yoongi.

"Yoongi - ah !" I yelled from afar while running to him. He turned and look at me. He smiled at me brightly too. I ran up to him and hugged him tightly.

"Gosh, I missed your smell, your touch, and your..." I trail off.

"What ?" I pulled away from him to look at him and quickly peck his lips.

"And your lips."

He chuckled and hugged me again this time resting his head on my shoulder as his arms are around my waist.

"Do you miss me ?" I asked him.

"Every day. Every hour. Every year." He replied and I heard him smiled as he lift up his head to look me.

"Can I just have this one day with you ? Even if it's wrong to be with you." I nodded and he led me to his car driving us to his old apartment.

"I'm sorry I ran away for so many months before hearing you out." I backed hug him as we walk into the living room. He gently smiled at me. "It must've been really hard hasn't it ?" He said softly as he turned around to hug me properly.

"Though I was able to convince my mind to not think of you my heart disobey to listen to me." He pulled away to smile and cup my cheek with one hand.

"Imagine how I felt for 7 years. Plus the 7 month you have left me."

"I wanted to tell you that I official divorce Bailey now. For the past 2 years of trying to divorce her, after giving me so many fake documents. I higher a lawyer to finish the job."

"What about the baby ?"

"The baby in her stomach is not mine." He put his hand up to the sky. "I swear to god that I've never ever touched her, kissed, her or willingly hug her during our marriage." I smiled at his action.

BTS Yoongi FF - Skool Love Affair Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora