Chapter 2: What Did You Do!?

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Chapter 2: What Did You Do!?

Henry couldn't think right tonight, he was trying to think of his next move to attack the werewolves, or even know where they were hiding. He sighed as he heard a knock at his door. "Enter." He yelled as the door opened and he could already feel the angry coming off of the person that walked in, he knew who it was the minute they walked in. "Beth, it's strange for you to visit me without me calling you." Henry said as he looked up to see his familiar, the beautiful witch with the white hair and green/blue eyes he stole. Elizabeth glared as her eyes turned gold making Henry hold up a finger, "Careful love, remember you don't want to hurt me." He said making Elizabeth's eyes go back to normal again, she remembered, of course she remembered the swear.

"I came here because your son's guard has returned." Elizabeth said as she stepped to the side to show the guard. Henry raised an eyebrow as he stood up from behind his desk and walked around it. "Why are you here and where is my son?" He asked. The guard didn't know what to say without getting himself killed. "We... Umm... Went to the vampire bar to get a drink..." The guard started but Henry cut him off, "I really don't give a damn of where you went, I want to know where... is... my son." Henry asked again his eyes shinning red.

The guard took a deep breath, "I don't know. He wondered off, and I haven't been able to find him..." The guard said making Elizabeth closed her eyes, she knew what was going to happen now. Henry's son was the one thing he almost cared about besides this war, but honestly it was only because he wanted his son to take over for him when the time came. Henry sighed as he started to rub his neck, "Right... Beth." Elizabeth looked at Henry, "Sir?" She asked. "Kill him." Before Elizabeth could reacted or even try to convince Henry not to kill him, like a puppet on a string, her arm went up and with a flick of her wrist, the guard's neck snapped and his body fell to the ground.

She couldn't hold back a tear from her eye as she gasp for air. "Come now puppet, it's nothing to cry about." Henry said as he stepped over the poor man's body like he was nothing. Elizabeth followed her head down, "You need to stop." She said as they kept walking down the hallway to his room. "Stop what?" Henry asked. "Stop making me do your dirty work!" She yelled making Henry stop and turn to her. "Killing someone, anyone is against my code! You are killing me doing that and you know that." Elizabeth yelled before she felt Henry slap her pushing her back a little.

"You do not get to speak to me like that Beth, remember your place, you are my familiar, my servant." Henry grabbed her cheek hard enough to leave marks as he pulled her close, "I own you." He whispers making her flinch as he pushes her back. "Now... Before we search for my son, I think you owe me an apology." Henry said with a smirk and she knew what he meant by that. He opened his bedroom door for her,

"Get on the bed."


"Sh*t." Elsa hissed under her breath as she held her arm, her defensive spell she tried backfired and cut her arm making blood start to go down her arm. How is it that a defensive spell attack you? She thought to herself as she started to place her hand on her arm to heal the wounded when she heard something behind her. She quickly turned to see a boy standing behind her, a smile on his face. Elsa took a step back, "My my, what's a young lady like you doing out here alone? It's quite dangerous." The boy said taking a step towards Elsa. "I just needed to get some fresh air, I can protect myself." She said trying to show that she's not scared.

"I can believe that, what's your name?" He asked. It was hard not to talk to this boy, something about him was making her talk. "Elsa... Elsa Windheart." She whispered. "Elsa, what a pretty name." "And your name?" Elsa asked making the boy lock eyes with her, "I guess it's only fair, my name is Jack." He said as he started to look her up and down making Elsa blush a little. She never had a boy look at her like this before. But yet again, the only boy she's even meet was Kristoff.

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