Storm of hearts chapter 7

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Weeks had past with no change in Luffy's condition until now as Luffy began to wake up all he could see was a dark room as he looked round he noticed that it was the med bay after about 3 minutes Luffy had managed to stand up and walk to the deck where he just looked at the ocean and did his secret hobby at night little did he know someone was watching him from the shadows.

Luffy had just pulled 3 sheets of paper out of his hat and began

As Luffy finished he thought he heard something but didn't see anyone as he went back to the med bay to sleep until morning as he went back in the mysterious person did the same.

Next day Luffy got out of the Med bay and greeted the crew with his normal smile as Chopper jumped on Luffy as he cried tears of joy as did Usopp, Zoro, Brook and Sanji everyone was happy to see Luffy up and about again but Robin noticed Nami was in her own little world "had a nice dream last night Nami" asked Robin "huh oh yeah" as she gave a nervous laugh "or could it be that you were think about someone who was sing a song last night" said the cocky Robin as Nami blushed rose red "you know what I also know who he was singing it for" said Robin with a smile on her face as Nami looked at her as she she turned an even deeper shade of red as she heard Robin say "lets go to are room so we can talk in privite" as she and Robin walked off to the girls cabin.

Girls carbin as Nami and Robin enter

As they entered Robin locked the door behind them "ok Robin what do you know" asked the blushing Nami "well I know how much you care for Luffy" said Robin as she looked at Nami "well of course I care he's my captian" replied Nami until Robin spoke "no I mean how you speak about him in your sleep and how you cried for him when he was injuried" as Robin said that Nami was almost as red as a fire "oh my personal favourite is how moan out as you described what he does to you in you dreams" said Robin as Nami jumped on her and put her hands over Robin's mouth to keep her quiet "shut up and how do you know that" asked Nami in embarressment "oh well I saw you in your moment of bliss" said Robin with an evil chuckle as she left Nami in the girls carbin.

Robin had made her way to the deck of the sunny Luffy grabbed her shoulder "we need to talk" said Luffy as he and Robin went to the kitchen "ok what's the matter Luffy" asked Robin as she saw Luffy sit in front of her "what are you playing at Robin" asked Luffy "nothing why" replied the lying Robin but they were soon cut off as Nami came into the kitchen with a bright blush on her face as she looked the door "Robin you need to stop what ever your up to" said Nami as she tried not to look at Luffy "oh why because you guys can't admit what I can see you to belong together but you keep holding those feelings back" said Robin with an angry tone "Luffy you saved Nami and almost died so what are you after" asked Robin "Nami you have already confessed about how you feel so what are you after" Robin said as she finally said "why don't you both say why you won't tell the other how you feel" said the crying Robin as Luffy and Nami looked on.

Luffy stood up and was about to walk out before he said "my reason is because..." as Robin looked on as Nami looked away "because Nami..." as he said her name she looked at him in surprise "Nami deserves better than an idiot captain" as Luffy finished he headed for the door only to have Nami block his path before she spoke "Luffy I have always loved you..." she said as she began to cry but "I thought that you may not feel the same way but the I heard you sing and it..." as Nami tried to control her tears she said "it made me see you as the man I always wanted even in my dreams you kiss me with passion, love me with all you heart and soul and we make love like time can not touch us I want that I want you Luffy" she finished in tears as Luffy reached out and did what Nami or Robin expected as he kissed her.

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