Storm of hearts chapter 1

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Luffy, Zoro, Sanji and Chopper reunite with Nami, Robin, Brook, Usopp and Franky at the thousand sunny after they all go back together they set sail for their next adventure but this adventure was going to change the crew.

"Sanji I need meat" said Luffy with a hungry look on his face and a grumbling tummy "ok luffy give me a minute to whip something up" said Sanji with a cigarette lit walking to the kitchen "Sanji can you make me a cup of tea" said Nami looking out to the horizon "right away Nami-swan" said Sanji with his eyes turning into hearts running into the kitchen.

"Haha it looks like Sanji hasn't changed" said Robin with a playful laugh as she walked out of the girls quarters dressed in a navy blue dress, hat and sunglasses "looks like it" said Nami with a annoyed face dressed in a sky blue with white poke a dots swim top and blue jeans "oh and Nami what do you think of our captian" said Robin with a devilish smile "I think you need to drop the subject" said Nami with a small blush.

10 minutes late Sanji comes back with a plate of meat and a cup of tea "hey Luffy your meats ready" said Sanji just as Luffy appeared in front of him as he started eating the meat "and here is your cup of tea Nami-swan" said the love sick cook "thank you Sanji" said Nami with a smile and Robin noticed Luffy had left leaving the plate of meat Sanji made which was unusual so she went to find Luffy only to find him in the training room to her surprise he was punching the punching bag saying "need to get stronger need to get stronger" over and over just looking like he was in a war with him self.

The next day Robin went to the training room to see if Luffy was there only to see him lying on his back in pain she shouted Zoro to get Chopper after Chopper got Luffy to his office he told Zoro and Robin "it's exhaustion Luffy must of kept training all night without stopping to rest" said Chopper with worry can one of you two please watch him Zoro just sat on the floor and fell asleep "I will watch over the captian Chopper" said Robin with a friendly smile.

50 minutes late Luffy started to wake up "ouch" said Luffy as he sat up in pain "your up I'm glad your ok captian" said Robin lifting her head out of the book she was reading "where am I" said Luffy looking at Robin confused "you collapsed in the training room so Zoro and I brought you to Choppers office" said Robin after she told him Luffy started to look sad "is everything ok Luffy" said Robin worried about her captian "I'm fine Robin after all she has not accepted me yet" said Luffy as he tried to stand up and walk out the door "hold on a minute Luffy who is she tell please if you keep this up then you will die" said Robin as she started to cry Luffy just looked at her and said "this is battle Robin not yours" and with that he walked threw the door.

One week had past since then and all Robin noticed Luffy did was train none stop until one day Luffy said something that shocked Robin even more than the straw hat pirates declaring war on the world goverment "Luffy can I talk to you" said Robin with worry on her voice "what is it Robin" said Luffy after sitting next to Robin "Luffy are you in love with someone one from the crew" said Robin as Luffy got up and head for the door when Robin sprouted arms blocking Luffy from leaving "not this time Luffy your going to tell me everything" said Robin getting angry "ok Robin what do you want to know" said Luffy feeling defeated as Robin smiled "why are you pushing your self so hard" said Robin in a caring tone "because I'm not yet good enough for her" said Luffy as he sat down "who is she" said Robin wondering who it could be "it's Nami" said Luffy as soon as he said her name Robin let him leave.

The next day Robin asked Luffy to come to her room to talk some more so Luffy went as Robin let him in "so you love Nami" said Robin with a serious look "yeah but she doesn't know and I plan to keep it that way" said Luffy as he looked out the window at the sea "why Luffy if you love her you need to tell her" said Robin as she looked at him with confusion and worry "because what life can I give her she deserves bet than me" said Luffy feeling sad at his words "so you plan to what train till you die" said Robin with anger in her eyes "look Robin Nami needs a man like sanji someone who can treat her right not an idiot captian" said Luffy with tears begin to build up "Luffy please tell me what your planning" said Robin with worry.

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