Storm of hearts chapter 3

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Luffy was now standing in front of his second opponent Buggy and Zoro was tied up "hahaha looking a little under the weather straw hat" said the laughing Buggy "Luffy why are you here" said Zoro "Zoro I managed to save Usopp but before I save you I need to kick Buggy's ass" said Luffy as he ran at Buggy "CHOP CHOP QUICK ESCAPE" shouted Buggy as Luffy's punch missed "hahaha you remember my devil fruit ability don't you straw hat" said the smiling Buggy.

Luffy was in trouble the poison had started to blur his vision at this moment Buggy took advantage "got you CHOP CHOP CANNON" said Buggy shooting a fist with knives between his fingers at Luffy but he couldn't dodge in time a got stabbed in the stomach "hahaha how does it feel straw hat I got to say that Kuro guy was right just give him poison and he is easy prey" said the laughing clown "damn it not more poison" said Luffy who was now on his knees "no I made a promise to protect my crew and I won't lose to you now GUM GUM" shouted Luffy "ah wait hang on no not agian" said the scared Buggy "BAZOOKA" shouted Luffy launching Buggy into the air.

Luffy had just beat his second opponent but knew it was not over but now he was in real trouble with double the poison in his veins time was of the escence "Zoro can you move" said the tired Luffy " yeah why?" questioned Zoro "you need to find Sanji, Brook and Franky" ordered Luffy Zoro knew what Luffy was getting at so they both decided to split up as Zoro looked for Brook, Sanji and Franky Luffy would head off to Nami's location and Luffy knew it was going to be tough but he did not care for Nami he would move heaven and earth.

As Zoro made his way to the thousand sunny he managed to get lost found him self at the east side of the small island ofcourse Zoro had started to walk again only to find him self back where he started but someone was waiting for him "well well if it isn't the swordsman of the straw hat pirates Roronoa Zoro miss me" Said a familiar voice that had Zoro smiling "huh Don Krieg" said Zoro who drew his swords ready to fight.

As for Luffy he made his way to the mountian but as he made his way there he fell to one knee sweating, breathing heavy and tired he knew he was running out of time but he would not give up until Nami was safe but he needed to rise up and fight the main fight "hold on Nami I'm coming" said the tired Luffy.

Usopp was running to try and help Luffy but before he did he found Zoro facing Don Krieg "Zoro your ok" said the crying Usopp "yeah but my job is to help Sanji and Franky" said the serious Zoro "what where is Luffy" said Usopp Zoro could not answer as he knew may already know the answer but Usopp knew the kind of captian Luffy was and knew he would not give up.

Luffy had arrived at the base of the mountian but only one thing came from the top of the mountian a scream and Luffy knew who it was "Nami" said Luffy as he began to climb the mountian feeling more and more tired because of the poison in his veins as he climbed step by step.

Zoro and Usopp knew how dangerous Don Krieg was but to save their friends they had to beat him "ok Zoro we need to end this quick and find Luffy" said Usopp as he got ready for battle "I know Luffy may be strong but even he has limits" said the ready Zoro "ok Don Krieg if Luffy could beat you so can we here special attack FIRE BIRD STAR" shouted Usopp but it didn't even effect Don Krieg "hahaha is that all you have" said Don Krieg as he laughed but little did he know that the fight had only just begun.

As the battle between Zoro and Usopp vs Don Krieg was heating up Robin and Chopper went looking for Luffy but found nothing but broken ground like there had been a war as they made their way to the mountian where they knew Luffy would go they saw a small dark cave on the edge of the forest as they got closer Chopper could smell franky's scent "Robin Franky is in there" said Chopper "are you sure" ask Robin "yes" replied Chopper as they went in to find him but when they found him he was chained up "Franky wake up" said Robin "R...Robin, Chopper where am I" asked the confused franky "tell you later" said Robin as her and Chopper got Franky out of the cave.

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