Chapter One: The Beginning

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It all started that summer...

I was just a girl at that time... No where to go but look in the "Free Games" section, even though most of them were full of paywalls all but one...

It illuminated on my screen, apparently it was still in beta, good enough I guess. I started to download it while I surfed the shop for crap games and decent demos. As soon as it was ready to play, you bet your ass  I went and played. Already I was developing a crush on some guy I was playing with... sure his avatar was cute but it was his voice. I swear it only happened as a crush nothing else... anyway moving on, I started logging on everyday, screw those fake AAA games that cost 50 dollars, this love was free! Well... not entirely, I did buy every skin and all the others that would come after, pimped out my base, destroyed noobs and try hards every match I was in. It's been years now, I've changed both physically and mentally. One of the big changes is I got the veteran badge and fortnite has moved to "Keep playing we'll complete this game someday" in their progress! One of the smaller changes is I'm 27 now and I got evicted 9 years ago and now have to play on the streets. But today was different...

Love Royale (A fortnite love story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora