Part 36: Interuption

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After a few minute of walking and thoughtless conversation an idea slipped into Jimin's mind that made him blush slightly thinking about it.

He looked to Yoongi who was explaining how he managed go lick a bath bomb 'accidentally' before glancing down at his free hand, then back up at him.

Yoongi noticed this so walked a bit faster so he was no longer behind the other thinking maybe he was going to slow or maybe Jimin wanted to hold his hand... nope probably just to slow.

They carried on walking for a bit longer until Jimin decided he'd brush his hand against Yoongi's to see if he wanted to hold hands.

He did so by casually walking closer to him then letting Yeontan run more over until Yoongi's and Jimin's hands touched.

Jimin swapped the hand the lead was in as he looked at Yoongi's slightly pink face which made him smile in victory.

"Uhh what was I saying?" Yoongi asked mind instantly going blank before clicking that yes, Jimin actually wanted to hold his hand.

Jimin chuckled at his flusteredness before boldly saying "That you wanted us to walk closer together?" Which made Yoongi blush more.

"Yeah..." Yoongi said faintly but loud enough for Jimin to hear it thus him holding his hand out to the older of the two who shyly took it going redder as Jimin himself blushed.

It was different to holding a girls hand as Yoongi's hands were much larger and rougher than his but Jimin liked it and felt more comfortable with it - probably being because he was more comfortable with Yoongi than anyone he'd ever dated.

Yoongi on the other hand couldn't notice how small Jimin's hands were in comparison and how no matter the size different the two fit perfectly together, the contrast making him smile shyly.

They carried on their journey noticing a few people looking to the two boys who were now walking shyly in silence.

Jimin broke the silence by saying "Your hands aren't as cold as I thought they would be." Then looking to Yoongi who has stopped and squatted down on the floor, facepalming but still holding Jimin's hand in his as he did so.

Jimin looked to him and tilted his head innocently before Yoongi finally said "What kinds of Dramas have you been watching?" Instantly knowing where he got the reference from.

Jimin blushed lightly before saying "You just looked cold..." shyly looking away not wanting to be found out even though they both knew he already had.

After laughing for a while Yoongi got up from where he squatted resting his head on Jimin's shoulder as they walked, chuckling.

"You really are adorable Park Jimin." Yoongi said Causing Jimin to blush more as his heart started to beat faster from embarrassment and being flustered.

Shortly after they reached the Park; choosing a nice shaded spot before laying out the blanket and other things before taking a seat themselves.

"Oh boi." Yoongi said seeing two familiar faces approaching them which made Jimin sigh and then away not wanting to be recognised when they already were.

"Jimin!" Jahee said throwing herself, literally, on the younger who just awkwardly raised his hands not sure how to react.

"Hello boys, sorry to interrupt." The other familiar girl said bowing who's name neither boys could remember in that moment but remembering she was nice.

"What are you doing our here Jimin?" The girl asked before sipping out a fan and shading Jimin saying "You'll get a tan if your out here to long."

Yoongi watched as Jimin just tried to say it was fine, that he was fine, that he was kinda busy, etc but Jahee wasn't taking the hint her friend who had been trying to make her leave did.

Yoongi eventually sighed before finally speaking up and saying "We were kinda busy if you wouldn't mind leaving us be." After she literally sat herself on Jimin's knee which Jimin was to polite to tell her to fuck off in response.

She rolled her eyes ignoring what Yoongi had said and carried on talking at Jimin who looked miserable, it hurting Yoongi's heart to see the sadness in his eyes.

"Okay then." Yoongi said standing up causing all three people to look at him as he took of his leather jacket, placing it around Jimin's shoulders since he had goosebumps, then taking his shirt off because he was 'to hot' when in reality he just wanted to make it awkward enough so Jahee left.

However his plan backfired as Jahee stared at his topless torso staring daggers into his abs as he put the shirt in the basket next to Jimin before sitting back down.

"I don't know how you can look so cold Jiminie it's boiling." The boy said ignoring all the people staring at them due to boys surprisingly muscular, toned body.

Other people were shirtless because it was hot but Yoongi stood out however due to his pale skin and small frame.

He knew he'd regret taking his top off later since he hadn't put on suncream but he just wanted the girls gone.

Plus the blush in Jimin's face was priceless.

Jimin was consumed by Yoongi's scent due to his jacket being around him which was surprisingly soft and was also being given a once in a lifetime opportunity to check Yoongi out, not sure if it would happen again after their second date was rudely interrupt and possibly ruined.

Jahee suddenly became all flustered but her view on Yoongi quickly changed which he noticed in her change of gaze towards him making him roll his eyes in slight annoyance.

"Your rather attractive." Jahee said as Yoongi bluntly said "I know." Watching as Jimin to subconsciously say "I know too." Which caused Yoongi to smirk at him as his own yes widened in realisation just glad the girls were distracted.

"It's a shame you have such a cold personality." Jahee said with a pout before saying "We can change that." In Which her friend just said "Nope." Feeling completely flustered and dragging her friend away swiftly by force not even saying goodbye even though both Yoongi and Jimin waved.

Love sucks - Yoongi x JiminOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant