The Patience of Frogs

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Day Nine: Prompt: Frog

Down by the pond,

On a lily pad leaf,

Sits a solitary frog,

Carefully crafting a wreath.

He's chosen the finest pondweed,

And the best whistling reeds.

He's added in some petals,

And tiny drifting seeds.

He proudly weaves it all together,

As the dragonfly waves goodbye.

And holds it up for the world to see,

Before letting out a satisfied sigh.

Who is it for, this wreath so pure?

Is it for the journeying clouds,

Or Newt who swam across the water,

Or Vole who splashes so loud?

No, it is for his lady love,

Whose making her way home.

She's been to the other garden,

To visit her friend Miss Gnome.

She returns to their cosy lily pad,

And Frog presents his gift.

Her face lights up with joy,

And she gives a kiss so swift.

She'll hang it up tomorrow,

On the tall grass behind.

But for now, she'll give Frog a hug,

For being so kind.

As the sun nods farewell,

The frogs settle down to sleep.

Tomorrow is a new day,

In their pond so deep.

But the smiles on their faces,

Cannot be ignored.

It's safe to say the frogs,

Are never ever bored.

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