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Verdant gripped the barrel of her rifle, keeping it trained on the silhouetted figure she could just barely make out through the grimy, first level windows of the old hotel. This is it. She thought. The first steps of our first mission as a group. This will show all those skeptics that this does work. And we'll be taking down an important target, proving our skills and worth.

She took a focusing breath, allowing her mind to fully slip into the focused and controlled fighter she was. There was a slight crackle in her left ear, where a small bluetooth ear piece allowed her to contact the other members in her team.

"Verdant!" Thistle snapped in her ear. "Where are you?"

"Just getting into position." She replied.

"Not any more!" By the sound of his voice, it was obvious something had changed in the plans. "I'm relocating your position. Teal is being stalled on the upper floors. You'll need to comb the lower three for the mark, then join with Teal."

"Affirmative." Swinging the rifle over her back, Verdant made her way out of the building she'd been using as a convenient vantage point to offer support to her comrades.

There was more chatter over her earpiece, mostly Thistle giving Teal instructions. Verdant didn't pay much attention to the talking, glancing out the window of the building she'd been using as a vantage point for sniping.

The street's clear. Good. She pulled her handgun out of its concealed holster, striding out of the building and across the street toward the hotel. Every muscle in her body was relaxed but ready for the conflict she anticipated would be coming.

Checking that her weapon was loaded, Verdant fiddled with the hotel's side door for a few seconds, unlocking it with practiced fingers before shoving it open and striding inside. Combing the first floor was easy, as the hotel had been abandoned for several years.

She made it through the entire first floor and up the first flight of stairs without finding another person. As she started up the second flight, however, she heard several feet walking down towards her.

Drat. She thought, pausing on the stairs and waiting for the people to arrive. She slipped her handgun into its holster, a gun shot would cause too much noise, especially in these close confines. There's... two of them. Verdant decided. They-

"Verdant? What's your status?" Thistle's voice asked in her ear.

She rolled her eyes, ignoring him as the first of the people, she had been right about there only being two of them, rounded the corner.

Stepping forwards, Verdant lashed out with her leg, kicking the first man back into the second and causing both to stumble. Before they could regain their balance, she leaped forward and hit the first with a punch to the head. By then, unfortunately, the second man had stumbled into a fighting stance, and attempted to punch her.

Verdant ducked, slamming her shoulder into the man's chest and sending both of them to the ground. He was slightly taller and stronger than she was, and struggled like crazy, but Verdant managed to straddle his chest and hit him in the head enough times that he fell unconscious.

"Verdant! Can you hear me?" By the sound of it, Thistle was growing very annoyed.

"Yes. Just had to deal with a few guards." She replied. "How's Teal doing?"

"She'll be done soon. Status?"

"First floor is clear, I'm about to check the second."

"I already checked the seventh and sixth." A new voice, that of Teal, chimed in. "See you at the second floor, Verdant."

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