Introduction - CHAPTER 1

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** I just made Ray as a quick character. They will have no real significance to the story - Don't worry!

          A chipper screech released into the dark room you laid yourself in. You were resting on your small twin bed with your sibling across the room from you. Another chipper screech let out into the room. A small groan emerged from the other side of the room, sitting themselves up and looking around. You tossed over to the other side of the bed, tugging the blanket up and over your face. A dull light shined through the blinds that hardly kept themselves open. 
          " (Y/N)! (Y/NNNN)!" Your sibling, Ray, cooed out, shutting off the alarm. The only noise in the room was your sibling, trailing over to your bed while speaking your name.

" What...?" You replied, drowsiness. A feeling of chilliness washed over you as your blankets were ripped off of your bed. Flipping yourself over, you glared at your sibling - only to have a grin from your sibling as a reply.

" We get to finally educate ourselves today, otherwise known as school!" Ray grinned, throwing herself onto your bed. You slowly sat yourself up, looking at Ray. Running a hand through your hair, a yawn escaped your lips. You cocked up an eyebrow, tilting your head at Ray.

" You mean prison?" You asked, a grin spreading on your lips. Ray let out a loud groan, pushing herself up and off of your bed. 

" Just go get ready, ( Y/N)!" They spoke, removing themselves from your room. Watching them leave, you sat up on your bed, opening the blinds fully. Light from the outside brought the room to life, the light highlighting your face. Looking out the window, you saw monsters standing outside their homes, eagerly speaking amongst themselves- looking happier than ever. Trees and bushes stood tall amongst the streets, looking healthier than ever. It was a beautiful day for you. Turning your head back, you got yourself off of the bed, making your way over to the closet. Slowly opening it, you stare at your options. Turtlenecks, sweaters, and T-shirts scattered your closet. Your hands reached out, grabbing a soft, dark blue turtleneck along with light blue jeans. Sliding on your jeans, you slowly put on your turtleneck and shoes.
        You ruffled a hand through your hair, passing by a mirror on the wall. Turning to the mirror, you stare at yourself. Bags were light under your eyes as your hair stuck up a bit in random places. It was you, though.  Turning away from the mirror, your feet carried you down the hallway. At the end of the hall, your backpack slumped in the corner. Your feet stopped before your backpack. Bending down, you grabbed at the backpack, zipping it open and checking if everything was in place. Zipping up the small backpack, you lifted the backpack up and chucked it over your shoulder. 
" (Y/N)? Are your ready to leave?" A soft voice called out to you. 
" Um, yes!" You called out, making your way through the halls of the house. Your mother stood tall, with a small smile on her face. Your mother was a unique human - for sure - considering she had adopted a monster. Ray was a monster - a small rabbit that was always wearing a smile along with a t-shirt and pants. Your mother had stumbled upon this town about two weeks ago and when she arrived home that night, she burst with the news that your family was moving. 

A town where human and monsters lived together peacefully had sounded nice to you. 

Stepping into the living room, you caught sight of your mom and Ray chatting amongst themselves.

" Alright, I'll be out in the car," Your mother beamed at you both, stepping over to the door. " I can't wait to hear about your first day, you two!" Your mother softly clapped her hands together then Ray moved past her, making their way outside. your mother looked at you for only a second more, before she removed herself from the house. Taking in a deep breath, you slowly stepped to the door. Before you dared removed your house, you took one last glance around the house then slowly stepped outside. A bright light shined onto your face as the cold air surrounded you, your hand shot up, shielding the sun from your eyes as you made your way to the car.  You moved your way to the back of the car, opening the door. You stepped into the car, noting how your mother and Ray were chatting amongst themselves - happily. You put your backpack into the empty seat next to you, then you buckled yourself up. 

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