Chapter 43

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Third person's pov
Once you aggresively leave the detention room,you went straight to the school gates and make your way to your house.

"I can't believe i..said it. You really said it (Y/N)" you thought to yourself. You wanted to feel happy about it,but that happiness slowly fade away when you remembered what Patricia said to Jangjun.
"Tch,what's the point. I'm too late"

At your house


Felicia: Last day of being 17 gurl! Better sleep early ;)

Ally: Omg yes,make sure to put on
something gorgeous tomorroww

(Y/N): Aw,thanks guys♡i can't believe
I'm turning 18 already lol i feel old

Felicia: No probb! Ouh,btw. Does Jangjun know? It'll be cute af

Ally: Omg you're right. Our princess should be completed with her prince!

Your fingers immediately stopped typing once reading the sentence. You didn't know what to reply since,well,it's the thing you've been thinking about quite sadly. So instead of replying to the message,you decided to not reply at all.

You turned off your phone and covered yourself with your fluffy blanket and drift yourself to sleep.

"I should stop thinking about him.."

The next day~
"Happy birthday (Y/N) sweetie!" Your mom exclaimed,waking you up from sleep

"*yawn* thanks mom" you muttered as you rub your tired eyes trying hard not to fall asleep again

"My baby girl's all grown up now *sniff*,now go get dressed for school" she said as she gives you a little peck on the cheek and went out of your room

You groan to yourself thinking about school,but since it's your day,you decided to ignore everything that was blocking your mind and get yourself ready


You were at the table eating your cereal when your mom realised something's missing

"I've been peeking our neighbor,but i haven't seen Jangjun step out of his house yet. He's usually early. i wonder why he hasn't come?"

You kept quiet finishing your cereal, acting like you have nothing to do with it when it's time to go to school.

"I'll be going now"

"Wait,how about Jangjun? Aren't you gonna wait?" Your mom asked

You shook your head at her statement and bid her goodbye.

At school~
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY (Y/N)!!" Felicia and Ally exclaimed

"Haha,thank you so much you guys!" You said with a bright smile and hugged them tightly as they hand you your presents.

"So,are you gonna forgive Jang- hey!" Before Felicia could finish her statement Ally elbowed her

"What was that fo-"

"Some lesson. Now (Y/N),please understa-"

"It's okay. You were right,i should forgive him..But maybe not now" you replied and walked away with your presents



Once you arrived at your locker,you opened it and place your presents in, when suddenly a random paper fell.

You saw it,so you picked it up and examine it.


You opened the paper and was about to read it when-

"(Y/N)! I heard it's your birthday today!" Sungyoon said with his gummy smile

"Ouh,hey Sungyoon! Yeah it is,haha"

"Well,happy birthday! I got something for you though,but i left it somewhere in my bag or even locker,but i'll make sure to hand it to you once i found it! See ya later!" Sungyoon said,as he walk away

"Sure! See ya!" You replied

You turned back to read the paper and it said..

"Happy birthday♡
Meet me after school at the rooftop

You wondered to yourself on who it might be when you remembered Sungyoon saying "see ya!"

"It might be him but.. could it be from Jangjun?" You wondered to yourself

"No it can't be. He probably hates me now. Besides,why would he even wanna see an idiot like me? HAH" you said to yourself and made your way to your first class

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