This was difficult. I could not do it. He could do anything he wanted and I knew he enjoyed torturing me, so giving him full control would be like giving him the green signal to come and kill me, and I did not wish to die like this, not without seeing my grandmother again.

"Why must you make this so difficult for me?" I whined as I eyed Natasha who refused to make eye contact with me. I wondered what she found so interesting on the floor that she refused to take her eyes off it.

"You are my captor, I'm supposed to make life a living hell for you," he stated with a chuckle.

My eyes narrowed. "Do you go kissing around all your captors?"

"Will that make you jealous?" He arched an eyebrow, amusement glittering in his eyes.

I scoffed. "Jealous? I feel sorry for all those who were forced to make contact with those lips." Oh yes, if I continued to provoke him, he would really enjoy making me scream as he snapped my bones. But I could not help myself, he made me angry.

"Do you feel sorry for yourself, then?" He questioned and I could feel that my words had hit a nerve.

"Of course," I answered.

"Really? If you felt so sorry for yourself, then why did you kiss me back? Why did you hold on to me as if you were afraid to let me go?" He asked, leaving me fumbling for the right words.

"Th—That's no—not tr—true," I stuttered. I did not kiss him back like I was dying for it, did I? No, I was sure I did not kiss him so desperately. And he was lying about me holding on to him; I was sure I did not do that. And even if I did, it was only to maintain my balance so I did not topple over.

"Of course it is. It gave me the invitation to kiss you harder, because you wanted it," he said.

Heat coated my cheeks as I tried to come up with a rational response. "I only held on to you because I did not want to lose my balance and fall." I should slap myself for such a lame comeback.

"I don't have time to argue with you, sugarplum. Give me your answer in the next five seconds, or else you can watch your friend suffer," he said.

I shot a look at Natasha. You so owe me for this. "Fine. Punish me, but let her go. Do not punish her for my crimes."

A smile so wicked, it made me wonder if Renzo was part of a cult, spread across his face and I just knew that I had made the wrong decision. "Excellent. Go to my bedroom and stay there, I will see you after I deal with her."

"Wait what?" No, no, he would not punish her, he gave me his word that he wouldn't.

"What happened? I told you to go to my room," he said.

"What are you going to do to her? You promised me you won't hurt her," I reminded him.

"And I'm not," Renzo said.

"I am." I turned around to see Severon striding inside the cell, at least I thought it was Severon. I couldn't tell the difference between him and his evil twin. I saw Adone standing outside the cell, as if he had the job of guarding it. What were these two doing here?

"What's going on?" I asked, looking between Renzo and Severon, or was it Severin?

"Nothing that you need to concern yourself with." With the tone he used, I knew it was Severin. "You just need to worry about what Renzo will do to you." He walked over to Natasha and stood in front of her.

"Renzo? Why is he here? What is he going to do? He won't hurt her, right?" By now, Adone had joined us in the cell.

"Sadie, why don't you come with me? We can talk," Adone said, taking a hold of my arm.

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