[Chapter 19] Wonwoo

Start from the beginning


"No-Nothing I'll wait outside." Wonwoo cleared his throat as he akwardly went out the clinic.

"That's so sweet of your boyfriend." The nurse trialed off making me stutter. "He-he's not my boyfriend."

"Okay~" She said in a sing-song voice.

"So Sohye, want to talk about what happened." She trailed off as I looked at her.

"Oops, Sorry, Jisoo." She took out her hand.

Then I smiled at her. "You know Ashley right the girl form the 2-year?"
I asked her and she replied with a nod.

"She tripped me saying I was hanging around her so called boyfriend. Which even isn't her boyfriend." I then said as she look Ed at me with wide eye.

"It's true," Wonwoo came in the room with three caned cola.

"Hope you like cola, Saem." He said as Jisoo Unnie said as he looked at her. "That's so lovely of you. Sohye you sure got lucky." She said as she gasped and then winked at me.

"Don't mind her." I looked at him as he tilted his head a bit.

"Anyways her-" He was cut off by a very dramatic Sewangkwan.


"Yup, I'm totally fine."


"Yes, I am." I nodded at him.

"YOU REALLY TOTALLY FINE???" He then said shaking my shoulder.

"I AM!!" I then shouted back at him.

"Oh. I was a little too much. " He then said as Hansol dragged him away from me.

"You really had to do that." Sewangkwan glared at him flipping his imaginary hair.

"Well you can see I'm fine now let's go, " I slapped Seungkwan akwardly so hard that he fell off the bed.

"You didn't have to do that. YAH!!!" I started to run away leaving him behind. "Meet me at the gate." I yelled as I limped away like a baby chick with a broken leg.

"Wonwoo, go and help her." Hansol pushed him as he stared at her and then him and then quickly rushed to her.

"Yah, you know that you have an sprained ankle right? " Wonwoo said scratching his head.

"Oh I didn't know. It maybe because I am blind." I snorted.

(a/n maybe you are blinded by love. THE BOTH OF YOU STOP STARING AT EACH OTHER.)


"Excuse me?"

"You are excused." He then said clearing my path and then walking in front of me and then crouching down.
I looked at him puzzled.

Until I was moved by Sewangkwan push me into his back making him stumble a little.

"Wonwoo-Hyung, I give my responsibility to you now go and take her home." He said as he quickly grabbed my leg and then stood up.

And then he started to move. "Don't you dare do what I'm thinking you would do." he glared at me as I blinked.

Author's POV

After a while...

"Well thank you for walking with me, well more like carrying me." The in front of Wonwoo chuckled.

"Nag it was his pleasure to do so." out of nowhere Seungkwan came from behind. Scaring the shit out of both of them.

"You guys were following us!!!"

"Well not really when a sprained ankle girl had left her precious bag with me." He then said bring the black school back in front of her eyes.

"Thank you!! "

"Now we will let them have their moment." Hansol said popping out of Seungkwan's back, and then dragging a whiny lad.

"So, I'm also going to leave. Or do you want me to take you inside your home? " He asked the girl who was looking at him.

"No, no, no, no, its fine I can take care of that." He then turned to walk away when Sohye called him. "Wonwoo-ya did you see Mingyu at school. Cause i didn't??"

He hesitated for a moment. "No he didn't come to school, he said that he had to visit his aunty who is pregnant at the hospital. Well his mom forced him to anyways." he chuckled. Nice save, he thought.

"And I thank you for carrying my, heavy self. " I yelled at him waving him good bye and going in the house.


Yo! Guys!

I wasn't dead but pretty much dead.

Thank you for reading!!!
(' ▽`).。o♡

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