3. F A M I L Y

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What is family?

They should be the ones to pick you up whenever you're down, right? To keep you safe and to take care of you.
To tell you everything is going to be alright even if the world is ending.

So why don't they?

'Family' is a weird thing. Because they're not really there. The definition of family shouldn't only consist of blood relatives or people who wear wedding bands.

I have a family living in my books. I have a family on Wattpad. My best friends are my family. But my blood relatives? They played for my education, fed me and clothed me.

That's where it stops. After all, what more could they do?

But family extends far beyond just goodnight kisses and polite mornings. It's the unwavering faith that you can admit and say anything with an open heart. They won't judge you. They'll help you. They won't degrade you. They pick you up. They won't say that they don't have time. They'll make time.

But the biggest thing? They never leave. True family will never leave you because your happy memories have outshone your worst mistake. Because in their eyes you're perfect because you're you - regardless of your faults, whether it's the fact that you chew with your mouth open or because you have jealousy issues.

It's a one way ticket - no refunds, no return planes. It's family forever or not at all.

Or at least, that's how it should be.

Family is important. The most important thing actually. It's just a matter of who your family is.

That's why I hate it whenever someone says, "Welcome to our family!" or "You're my wifey/sister/friend forever." Because your best friends - whom you'd do anything for - are your family as well. Even if you haven't said it. Because that commitment is still there.

And I hate it when people say that because they end up leaving like all the people prior to them.

They ain't t family if they can leave you behind without a backwards glance.

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