Chapter 2: Being an omega does not equal being weak

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At the gate of the military school, groups of students gather together and faint whispers can be heard everywhere:

"Is he actually coming here?"

"I heard that if we can prove to be a great warrior, we can be his suitors!"

"I've never seen an omega before... how do you guys think he would smell like?"

"Shh!! If the Date hear you say that he might chop your head off!"

A week ago, Lord Date has personally came to the school with shocking news: On Tsurumaru's 16th birthday, the omega will visit the school to pick potential candidates himself. However, the male himself will have to be in the advanced classes, and they also need to defeat the omega in a duel as well.

"Beating an omega? Hah, easy peasy!!!"

"Don't be so arrogant, Mitsutada did say that Tsurumaru's win rate against him is 5 to 2, and you know how good that guy is!!!"

"That's just because they concede to him, there's no way an omega can beat an alpha!"

Apparently, most males in the military school still believe that omegas are just decorations and breeding tools. And it is exactly the reason why the whole Date clan was in a heated fight for an entire month:

"You can not go there! You won't know what may happen to you! They are a bunch uncultured, ungrateful bastards that may harm you or even... rape you!!!" Mitsutada lost his temper and almost yelled at his brother's face. He couldn't believe Tsurumaru actually came up with such a crazy idea. Kidnapping and force-marking is uncommon to be seen, yet the idea of it is familiar to almost every student in the school. With more than half of the students having the status of commoners, strange ideas spread like wildfire. They all want a luxury life of the nobles, yet not many want to work for it. Thus, those low-life disapointment dream of marriage with an omega of an old line, then live happily for thousands of year (Mitsutada would never say that most of them dream of Tsurumaru in front of Father, lest he switch the twins to another academy and wipe out their current school. Apart from being stylish, it seems like being over-protective also runs in the family).

"I can, and I will, if Father allow me to. Which, I believe you will, right Father?" Surprisingly, Tsurumaru was unnaturally calm even when towered by two angry and frustrated alphas "Besides, a lot of nobles like you," he poked at Mitsutada's ribcage "and even the royals study there as well. I promise to be by your side 24/24, so please don't be so dramatic, Mitsu-bou." He ended it with his signature cheeky grin, which started another agrument on Tsurumaru's attitude towards his own safety.

After a lot of ruckus, they finally agreed on letting him join Mitsutada and Ookurikara for a day, but Lord Date would also be there to supervise everything (Tsurumaru did protested, to no avail). He would be able to challenge some to a duel, but only if Mitsutada and Ookurikara allow him to. Direct contacts with any other males would be prohibited, including handshakes. No drinking and eating food that wasn't prepare by the chefs at home or tested by the twins beforehand.

Lots of rules on the not-to-do list for Tsurumaru, and such rules also apply to the students of the military school. No touching, no scenting, no offering food or drinks (unless they want the twins to have a legal reason to slice them in half). If any threat or insult direct toward the omega is heard then the speaker will face immediate punishment.

However, they are still hyped up - it's not everyday that you can see a living omega, right?

"He's here!! Get ready!!!"

Even when it's only 6 in the morning, almost everyone has come to classes. Heads poking out from every windows and corners, gingerly waiting for the famous omega.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Nov 19, 2018 ⏰

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