Some random babblings before the real fun

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This is a story with a kind-of modern settings (they are NOT tsukunogami). Almost everything is similar to the Outernet, except for a few thing: It's ABO verse, and all those second gender thingies only apply to males. Why? Because I think it's fun, and it makes my ABO verse stands out from other. Maybe. Let's see if it works or not. Another thing is that people live longer than they usually do in the Outernet. The life expectancy is about 300 years for a commoner and wayyyyyy longer for a noble. A few decades will not be able to sastify my need for MikaTsuru, and it's ABO verse already, why not add some more not-so-logical stuff to a fanfiction?

Modern weapons do exist, and a lot of the characters can use them well. However, since sword-fighting is still considered a tradition that needed to be preserved, all of the them still wield their swords in battles and fights.

There are a lot of other couples in this series, but the main spotlight is still on MikaTsuru. Although I'll focus on the fluffiest, cheesiest moments, but there might be mentions of domestic violence, drugs, kidnapping and other dark stuff. Oh and sex. Yes, a lot of that, and even in details.

For people that have NOTP, here is a list of couples that I might include in this series in the near future (will be updated when I think of newer ones):

MikaTsuru - AO, because I believe the Tenka Goken are more than qualified for the alpha status
MitsuKara - AA, for a change in taste
HigeHiza - AA, cause these guys have those vibes that can send me shivering with anticipation
KogiNaki - AB, why not?
IshiNikka - AO
KuniChougi - BB, and pleaseeee note that this Kunihiro is based on Kiwame Kunihiro, not the shy introvert Kunihiro
MidareUrashima - AO, when your alpha looks better in short skirts than you (I don't even know how to give them a proper couple name....)
IchiYagen - AO, I just love this couple for no reason
HoneNama - BB, do we really need that many alphas?
TarouJirou - AA, cause I just love seeing alphas crossdressing....
IwaIma - AA, ...and alphas that look like an underage skinny tiny boy as well

I suppose that's enough of my nonsense babblings for today, isn't it? If you do not feel uncomfortable with the couples or the content, then please continue to read the first chapter. Comments are super appreciated, since this is my first time trying to write fluff instead of angst and R18.

Thanks for reading!!!!

The treasure of the craneOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz