||1|| 貴方

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貴方 || You.

"I want to be left alone." [Y/N] informed softly as she stepped off the ship, she had just arrived back at Sindria and the ride back was a pain in the ass. Her little trip back to Mastinia had been a long trip as well but she was glad that after six months she was able to negotiate with the new king about certain matters.

It had been a few years since she had met Sinbad now and the boy, at such a young age, had managed to get rid of the absurd rule of executing the poor members of society. While they had grown next to each other and built Sindria, she had become somewhat like an errand runner.  

Her guards had nodded in a silent reply as they made their way towards the palace. [Y/N] let out a sigh as she continued to walk ahead, her slow pace coming to a halt when she saw Ja'far standing in front of her with a polite smile.

"Welcome home, [Y/N]." He greeted as he knelt down onto one knee. The said girl raised her eyebrow as she walked towards the younger, "Please stand up, you know how I feel about this." 

Her hand extended out to help Ja'far up as yet another sigh left her lips, a frown tugging at the corners. Ja'far only smiled and turned around, "Forgive me, but that's just how Sin wants us to treat you." 

"I am no different from the rest of you," she retorted before quickening her pace to walk next to the ex-assassin, "I'm just treated gentler because he can't come to an agreement with the fact that I can take care of myself now."

The white haired man only let out a hum of agreement, "I'm glad that you're back, it's been quite a mess and we have gained some newcomers." [Y/N] pulled the sleeve of her traditional robe down as she hummed in acknowledgment.


"Would you like to go say hello to the others?" Questioned the freckled man as he looked the young female in the eyes. She only shook her head before turning towards the back entrance of the palace.

"No, I'd like to relax near the lake for a bit. You can inform them if you'd like though." 

Ja'far quietly dismissed himself, letting the young lady go so she could relax by herself. He turned around and made his way towards the rest of the generals, wanting to inform them that their beloved "Princess" had returned to them. 


[Y/N]'s dainty fingers slowly untied her robe as she let her legs take her into the somewhat cold water. Her sheer white clothes that she wore underneath her traditional clothing now soaked from the water. Her hands continued to remove her clothes, her body taking her further until the water was up to her hips. 

"I see that you're back, [Y/N]."

At that, her head turned to look over her shoulder. She felt like it was her first time meeting him again. The atmosphere was extremely different though and the feeling that she felt as she turned around to completely look into his eyes left her feeling overwhelmed with love and affection. 

She forgot her surroundings as soon as she made eye contact, her appearance being completely forgotten as she smiled up at the man. The way that the moonlight reflected off of his pale skin left her breathless as she opened her mouth to speak. 

"Yes, I meant to report back but I wanted to relax a little bit before coming myself."

Sinbad smiled, ignoring her lack of clothes. He respected her greatly as a person and made the choice to never look at her as a potential lover or a one night stand even. Sinbad had never intended to think of her than nothing more than family and someone that was meant to protect.

"Welcome home," replied Sinbad before he turned around, "Come down to the main hall when you're finished here, I want to introduce you to the newest three." 

"Sin--" before she could get anything out of her mouth, the said man had already walked away to attend to other issues. [Y/N] looked down at her reflection in the water with a frown before she continued bathing herself.

He's a busy man, I shouldn't bother him and try to take up his time.  She thought as she stared up at the full moon longingly. The feeling of loneliness hit her once again, thoughts of her mother flashing in her head as she stared at the moon. What should I do, Mother?  


After dressing herself into a new pair of clean robes and armor, she swiftly made her way to the main hall. Her heart pounded as she felt herself nearing the room, her feet nearly running as she heard the voice of her childhood savior.

Sinbad, along with three children and the rest of the generals, looked up as they heard the door open to reveal [Y/N]. Yamaraiha flashed a smile as she got up to hug the female that had just made an appearance.

[Y/N] returned the hug from the bluenette before she made the move to sit next to Pisti, who immediately made her way to the female's lap. "Welcome home!" The small female squealed from her seating. [Y/N] only smiled as she played with the blonde's short hair before she adverted her gaze to Sinbad who also wore a smile. 

"I stopped your personal training today to introduce you guys to [Y/N]," Sinbad began as he walked around the chairs to walk behind the mentioned female, "She's also a general, much to my dismay."

The three stared at Sinbad in confusion before shrugging his comment off. [Y/N] could only roll her eyes at the taller man before she got up, of course letting Pisti get up first. She walked towards the three and smiled as she extended her hand, "It's nice to meet you three, I hope we can get along." 

The blonde haired boy extended his hand first with a blinding smile, "It's nice to meet you too, I'm Alibaba. This is Morigiana and Aladdin." 

Before [Y/N] could reply, she felt an arm wrap around her waist and weight applied to her bosom. She looked down in confusion only to see the small boy named Aladdin nuzzling up to her chest with delight. 

"Aladdin, what do you think you're doing?!" Yamaraiha exclaimed as she pulled the boy off and hit him rather roughly. The [H/C] female stared at the two with a soft pink color flushing her cheeks.

"Yam, It's fine," [Y/N] muttered, her fingers tucking her hair behind her ear, "It just caught me off guard." Yamariha raised an eyebrow and turned towards the young Magi, "It's best if you stay away from her, she's frightening when angry." 

Sinbad and the rest of the generals nodded in agreement.


[Y/N] was completely worn out from being around the loud group of people. She had spent some time getting to know the group of three while hanging out with the generals that were free at the time. She felt as if the exhaustion from returning home was just now hitting her as she walked to her room.

Her body was aching, practically pleading her for some rest. She let out a groan as she quickly changed into her night attire before sliding herself onto her sheets. Her body seemed to be restless as she finally laid down though.

I can't sleep 

She threw herself off of her bed, making her way outside towards the ocean. Her dainty feet took her to where the cool ocean water was, the feeling of it calming.

Slowly, she sat down and pulled her knees to her chest in thought. Ever since her return, SInbad had been so far from her reach. She was starting to yearn for him to the point that it was becoming impossible to bare.

Sure, there was tomorrow but they had been apart for six months and her heart couldn't handle it anymore.

"Can't sleep?" 

[Y/N] tore her gaze away from the ocean as she heard her beloved's voice. She didn't reply though, her thoughts still eating away at her heart. The constant need to talk to him--to be with him--had left her wondering if it was even worth it to try and be with him. He had other women to think about anyways.

"What's wrong, [Y/N]?" questioned the man as he walked towards the female. He sat himself down next to her and pulled her close. She shook her head before leaning herself onto him.

"Nothing in particular." 

Just you

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