Chapter One. Selcouth

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Eight letters.

Two syllables


Unfamiliar, rare, strange, and yet

I tapped my fingers together, taking deep breaths and keeping my head down. I glanced up only to look at the walk signs. I tapped my fingers together again, and again, over and over. The walk sign turned greens and I started walking, fast. I made my way down Fifth Street, people pushing past me as if their reason to get somewhere were more important than mine. I turned the corner and walked through the door, greeted by the fresh smell of cinnamon and grounded coffee beans. A tall man, with shoulder length black hair was tying his apron around his neck when he turned to see me

“Good morning” he greeted, finishing the knot and walking around the counter

“Morning” I responded

“What will you be having today?” he asked as pulled his long hair back into a pony tail, he washed his hands quickly and walked back to the counter.

“What’s your favourite drink?” I said softly, looking at the board above his head

“Uh….probably the Iced vanilla coffee” he responded, setting up cups and stacking them,

“Then can I have a vanilla iced coffee?” I asked politely he nodded and quickly whipped it up, he handed me the cup. I took it from him, putting a loose curl behind my ear, I set the coffee on the counter and slowly too my wallet out, I stared at the cash in my wallet before taking out a ten dollar bill. I held it towards him, pressing my lips together anxiously. He stared at it for a second and then at me. He took the money and put it in the register

“Your change is-“

“Keep it… as a tip…” I interrupt, sighing soft before taking a small sip, I smiled as the taste swirled around in my mouth. I looked back at him for a second before turning away, making my way to the door

“Have a good day” he calls, I turned and waved bye before pushing open the door. I waved my hand, a taxi slowed to a stop I quickly hopped in

“Presbyterian hospital please” I say, leaning my head against the window and watched as the world seemed to pass by, the world seemed so quiet yet so loud. It was so much different than my small home town. It was big, loud even in the early morning. The lights of cars flew past us. The street lamps were just turning off as the sun slowly edged the horizon. It seemed to take only a few seconds before we stopped at the hospital. I open the door and payed the taxi. I yawned softly, the coffee still clutched in my hands as I walked through the door. I smiled at the receptionist, April.

“Morning Dr. Emerson” I smiled and nodded towards her as a motion of greeting. I quickly made my way through the hospital in the staff room, two other doctors, Dr. Brown and Dr. Bell sat in the only two chairs. They were deep in a conversation and didn’t notice me walk in


I sat down on the counter in the way corner. I pulled out my small notebook. I flipped to the seventh page and carefully wrote Coffee guy.

Name: no clue, kind of cute. He seemed like he hasn’t slept in the last week, makes extraordinary coffee

Word: Selcouth

He was… at first like most coffee baristas... but... he seemed like he knew I was studying him. And he studied me back... like he was just as curious as I was. He was swift as he moved, like he has no time, even though there were several other barista counters open and no other idle costumers, but near the end he seemed to slow down, like he recognized I had time.

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