Link and Zelda released their embrace, looking at the dead king who was still on the ground. That made Zelda cry even more, turning away from her father. "It's too painful to look at him... Why, father? Why..?"

Link's eyes wavered at the sight of Zelda crying, embracing her once more. "I'm so sorry, Zelda..." He let out a sad sigh. "Do you want to know what he said to us before we went out to try to find you?"

Zelda was wiping her tears as more kept coming. "What did he say..?"

Link squeezed his lips together, uncertain if he wanted to say it or not since he knew it would make her cry more. "The king wanted to let you know how sorry he was..."

That line looked like it had struck Zelda's heart, making her sobbing increased. "Oh, father..! If only you realized sooner that Ganondorf was tricking you!" She sobbed onto Link's shoulder once more.

The four were grieving in the room where the king was lying dead, mourning over the loss of the man who had practically raised them.

Later that day, Thalia was in her room alone, holding onto her pillow tight. Her eyes were hollow, staring down onto the ground. A lot of things were running through her mind.

There was a knock on her door, snapping her out of her trance. "Come in."

The door opened, revealing it to be Rowan. He closed the door behind him. He started walking towards her. "How are you feeling?"

Thalia looked down, squeezing her pillow to her chest. "I'm not feeling so great. The loss of the king had opened up a hole in my heart. He took me into his home, and took care of me. I... I just can't believe that he's gone..."

Rowan let out a sigh, sitting down on the bed next to her. He embraced her from the side, holding her close. "I know how you feel. Even though the king is my uncle, he felt like a father to me ever since my parents passed away. He treated me like I was his own son."

Thalia felt her eyes getting warm and vision getting blurry. "Rowan... I'm so tired of death. I lost my parents, and now I lost the king who was like a father to me as well. And now... I feel like we will lose our lives soon when the blood moon rises tomorrow..."

Rowan now realized that it was indeed going to be tomorrow. They had to find Ganondorf to defeat him once and for all. He was scared at the fact that his own life was on the line, but he was more concerned about Thalia. "We won't lose our lives tomorrow. We will defeat Ganondorf before the blood moon rises. I swear it."

Tears started running down Thalia's face. "I'm scared, Rowan... I don't want to die... I want to live and spend my life with you. I want to settle down with you, and have children with you... I don't want to die..." She started to sob hard. The thought of death of others and her own possible death was consuming her mind.

Rowan's eyes wavered, not standing the fact that his lover was so scared. He wasn't even sure how to cheer her up. "Thalia..." Thalia looked up at him with tears in her eyes, listening what he had to say. "We will live and we will build our future together. I want you to be by my side. I want you to be duchess, but more importantly, my wife that I will cherish and hold for the rest of my life."

"Rowan..." Thalia embraced him back, tears continued to run down her face. "I feel the same way. I want you to be my husband that I will cherish and hold for the rest of my life. I will never let go..."

"Thalia..." Rowan gently cupped her face, having her look up at him. He went closer to her face, sharing a kiss as the kiss was soft and gentle at first.

Thalia kissed back, wrapping her arms around him. Rowan deepened the kiss, lightly pushing her back, having her lay on her back against the bed. Their kiss grew passionate, the two had made love that night.

On the other hand, Link and Zelda were in Zelda's room. Link was comforting her while holding her since she was still crying. He couldn't stand seeing Zelda like this. "Zelda... Please don't cry anymore..."

Zelda sniffed, wiping her tears away. "I can't help it... I lost my father... I... I just wish he realized sooner..."

Link rubbed her back. "I know, Zelda. You should probably get some rest. Will you be ok?"

Zelda nodded. "I'll try to be. Thank you for trying to comfort me all day, Link."

Link gave her a smile. "It's no problem. I can leave so you can get your rest." He leaned close to her, giving a kiss on her forehead. "Goodnight Zelda."

As soon as Link got up from the bed, Zelda grabbed his hand. A blush appeared on her face, her eyes wavering. "Will you stay with me for the night? I think I'll feel much better if you continued being here with me..."

Link felt himself blushing, smiling at her once more. "If that's what the princess wants, I have no objections."

Zelda smiled back. "Thank you, Link."

The two pulled the covers over each other, embracing closely as they felt their hearts beating. Link didn't want to admit it, but he was feeling quite nervous being this intimate with Zelda. Her face was on his chest, making him blush even more. Trying to calm down, he began brushing his fingers through her hair. "Your hair is really beautiful, you know that?"

Zelda began to blush onto Link's chest, enjoying her hair getting played with. "Thank you..." She closed her eyes, enjoying cuddling with the one she loves. "Link..."

"Yes, Zelda?"

"You will be here when I wake up, right?"

Link let out a low chuckle. "Of course, Princess. Of course."

Zelda smiled to herself, feeling herself drifting off. Link silently sighed, seeing Zelda not crying anymore. He softly smiled at the sight of her sleeping face while gently nuzzling her cheek with his finger. As he was doing that, Link felt his eyes growing heavy, soon entering the world of slumber while holding Zelda in his arms.

Fabricated Fate - A Breath of the Wild Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now