Chapter 22

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Flying in the sky, the three were going downwards, seeing the horse saddle where they left their horses. Link was screaming in fear. Thalia was screaming in fear as well with Rowan holding her tightly.

Rowan gritted his teeth, seeing where they were going to land. "Brace yourselves!"

At the same time, all three closed their eyes, feeling an impact on their body going underwater. Link was swimming up at speed nervous. Rowan was swimming up with one arm as his other arm was holding Thalia.

The three reached up the surface of the water, taking a deep breath in. Link was panting while looking around. "That was the craziest thing we've ever done..."

Rowan was panting, nodding afterwards. "I agree. I was prepared for the worst, but I'm glad we landed safely and right near the horse saddle." He looked over at Thalia who he was still holding onto. "Are you alright, love?"

Thalia was trying to catch her breath, nodding afterwards. "I'm fine now. Though... I thought I was going to faint during all that."

Rowan let out a chuckle. "I'm so glad you didn't. You're a brave girl."

Thalia blushed, feeling flattered by Rowan's comment. The two snapped out of it, hearing Link begin to talk. "Are we just going to stay in this water all day or are we going to go to the horse saddle and dry off? I'm starving! Can you make something for us, Thalia?"

Thalia let out a giggle. "Of course, Link."

"Let us swim to the horse saddle. Can you swim?" Rowan asked Thalia.

"Yes, I know how to swim."

"Good." The three started to swim towards the horse saddle. It wasn't really a long swim since they were out of the water already.

The three settled down at the horse saddle, having had a towel wrapped around them while sitting around a fire. They were trying to get dry and warm before doing anything else. The horses they had left were well taken care of, assuming the people who worked there had maintained them when they were gone.

Thalia was drying her hair with the towel, feeling like she was dry enough as she stood up. "I was going to make us dinner. Do you want a drink while waiting?"

"A nice cup of tea would be nice." Link suggested.

"Same with me, please." Rowan answered right after.

Thalia gave the two a smile. "Alright. I'll have your tea ready, and I will have your dinner ready shortly after."

Thalia had whipped up some tea, handing a cup to Link and Rowan. She was going to cook with the pan that was near the fire. She had ingredients she was going to cook with. Holding a knife in hand, she was going to mince vegetables first. She had poured water earlier as it started to boil, putting in the vegetables afterwards. She ended up pulling out a few pumpkins she got from Kakariko Village, cutting the top part to make a bowl.

After cutting the pumpkins, Thalia went into the inn of the horse saddle with the remaining pumpkins parts, letting the food cook in the pan for a bit.

Coming out of the inn, Thalia returned back to stir the now vegetable soup. She started pouring a good amount full into the leftover hollow pumpkins. Link and Rowan could smell the sweet aroma of the vegetable and pumpkin soup.

Carefully handing it to Link, Link gratefully received the pumpkin full of soup. "Be careful, Link. It's really hot."

"I know." Link smelled the steaming soup once more. "But it's so tempting to eat it right now."

Fabricated Fate - A Breath of the Wild Fanfiction Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz