Chapter 7

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Seven years has passed since Zelda was last seen. Though she was in the castle, her restrictions were limited since she had to commit to her royal duties.

On the other hand, Thalia had grown up to be more confident in herself, and looked more ladylike. Her long brown hair was cleanly cut as it went down passed her chest. All the years of being a chef's apprentice and being a knight in training paid off as she was now one of the main chefs, and became a full fledged knight just like Link.

Thalia was getting ready for the day, getting dressed in her knight armor. Today was a big day. Today was the day where the soon to be champions of all four regions will be attending the ceremony of the Hylian Champion.

Before stepping out of the room, Thalia was holding the teddy bear that Zelda had given to her as a gift when they had played together seven years ago. Wanting to see Zelda again, Thalia put down the teddy bear, heading towards the door.

Coming out of her room, Thalia was making her way towards the giant throne room where the ceremony will be held.

As she was making her way there, Thalia bumped into someone that she knew right away. She scooted back a little, seeming a little flustered. "Sorry, Rowan..."

Rowan had matured a lot, both in personality and appearance. His short blonde hair was neatly trimmed. His face looked more manly as the royal attire he was wearing helped complement his mature demeanor. But one of the things that didn't change was his kind smile. "It's alright, Thalia. You didn't hurt yourself, did you?"

Thalia shook her head. "No, I'm fine."

"I was on my way to the ceremony as well. You may follow me if you wish."

"Thank you!"

"Oh, Thalia..." Rowan came close to her, fixing something on her armor. "Your badge was lopsided."

Thalia's face started to heat up. "R-really? I would've never noticed. Thanks..."

Rowan gave her a smile. "You're welcome." The two were making their way towards the throne room where everyone would be at.

Inside the throne room, there were guards and knights surrounding the room. Thalia made her way towards the knight section, standing next to Link.

Link looked the same as before except he looked more mature and manlier. His chestnut hair was at the same length, assuming he maintains his hair often.

Link gave her a smile. "We get to see Zelda for the first time in seven years."

"Has it really been that long..?"

Link's eyes averted down, his smile turning sad. "It has... I hope that she's been doing alright."

"I feel the same way..." Thalia's gaze went towards the champions who were standing aligned in the middle of the room. "So those are the champions, huh?"

"Right. They came from the four main regions of Hyrule. They represent their homeland, and dedicate themselves to protect Hyrule."

"I see..." Thalia's looked at them in awe, snapping back to reality, hearing someone walking into the room.

The sound of footsteps echoed through the room as Thalia, Link, and Rowan's eyes widen. It was their friend, Princess Zelda, who has grown up quite a lot. She seemed a lot more mature the last time they had saw her. She looked worn out, understanding why.

Zelda stopped in the middle of the room, two champions each at her side. In front of them was the king of Hyrule, King Rhoam Bosphoramus Hyrule. "Welcome, warriors! I'd like to thank you for joining me here today, and for your bravery in accepting this fateful task." His gaze turned towards the four champions. "I officially appoint you Hyrule's champions and bestow upon you this sacred garb. The blue symbol of the royal family has been passed down for many generations. Those garments you now wear are made personally by my daughter, Zelda."

Fabricated Fate - A Breath of the Wild Fanfiction Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora