Chapter 7: Chaos.

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The two of them get back to the apartment. "Javi, Clem! You're back!" Tripp says. "Thanks for the warm welcome." Clem says. "Nice to see you too, shithead." Sarah says as she walks up to Clem. "You're alway happy to see me." Clem says. "Oh hell. You okay?" Tripp asks upon seeing Javi's tended to wound. "Yeah, it looks worse than it is. Don't worry about it." Javi says. "Kate's lying down in the other room for a bit." Eleanor says. "Ava brought back the guns." Tripp states. "I see this." Javi says as he watches Gabe pull out weapons. "One for you. One for you. I saved this one for you." He says as he offers Clem a pistol. "No. I've already got one." Clem states. "Oh." Gabe says as he walks away. "Actually, I think Sarah needs one." Clem suggests. "Wait, what?" Sarah asks as Gabe hands her the gun. "Uh, thanks?" Is all she says. "No problem."

"What kept you two?" Tripp asks as he grabs an assault rifle. "We ran into Doctor Lingard." "At night? I'm kind of surprised he was sober..." Eleanor says. "The guy's clearly and addict. He was destroyed when we got there." "It would be sad, if it weren't so reckless." "It's pathetic is what it is." Clem says. "Hey, give the guy a break. The sun will be rising in a few hours. Joan's people know we're holed up here, and they're gonna come looking for us. All of us." "Oh for fuck's sake!" "Maybe it's not as bad as we think!" "Why the hell would it be not bad?!" "Fucking figures." "And there's no going anywhere with that herd blocking our exit." "They like me, that has to help!" "Just 'cause they like you doesn't mean they're gonna like the rest of us!" "We're sitting ducks up here!" "You think?" "Then why don't we do something about it?" "We can't just wait around here to get shot, that's for damn sure!" "We have to help my dad!" "Why bother? He's a prick anyways!" "Don't you dare talk about him like that!" "I'll say whatever I want about you fucking dad!" "Hey!" Javi yells, which gets everyone to calm down. "We can do this!" "Yeah!" "We've gotten out of tougher jams before, haven't we?" "I mean, sure. But this is different." Tripp says. "We can't just cut and run - not with the herd out there. Like it or not, we're fuckin' stuck in Richmond. How the fuck are we gonna put the brakes on this thing?" "Joan and her people are going to be at the square, right?" Ava asks. "We need to bring the fight to them." "We go after Joan, our problems are solved." "Great. do we do that?" "The best way to get rid of Joan is to get David back on top." Javi suggests. "If he's in charge again, things'll go back to the way they used to be." "No arguments here." Ava says.

"After we take Joan out, we're gonna need some way out of this place. Now, I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm not much of a runner." Tripp says. "We've got a truck, a big one, that we used for walker defense. It's a little busted up, but it's way better than nothing." Ava suggests. "People are gonna be patrolling these streets, looking for us. How far away is this truck?" "I'll show you." Ava says as she walks to a window. "We've been expanding, pushing out eve further - making the safe zone even bigger. Can't promise you they've cleared out all the walkers yet, but....That's where the truck's parked." She says as she points to a garage."I can spit and hit it." "We steal that thing, nothing will be able to stop us."

"Steal what?" Kate asks as she exits the other room. "Hey." Javi says as he walks up to her. "Jesus, Javi. Is that blood on your shirt?" "It's not that bad." Clem says. "How the hell did this happen?" "Ask Gabe. He screwed up." Kate sighs. "I thought you guys were gonna be careful out there." "Hey, hey. Don't worry about it. It is what it is. Thought you knew what you were doing." Javi says to Clem. "You're still alive, aren't you?" "Eleanor? Can you take a look at this?" Kate asks. Eleanor walks over and takes a look at the wound. "As long as he keeps it clean, it should be okay." "Would you guys stop making such a big deal out of it?" Gabe asks. "It happened, it's over. Move on already!" "I'm just trying to make sure he's okay, Gabe." "Wouldn't have happened if you didn't act like a dumbass." Sarah says. "Can it would you? What we need to be talking about is the plan. Oh, I have a bunch of ideas." "They probably involve Javi getting stabbed again." "Would you be quiet?! I want to be the one to go after Dad." "Hey, hey, hey, hey. Slow down, would you? You're getting way ahead of yourself." Javi says. "Who's to say you're even coming along, kid?" Tripp asks. "Are you fucking kidding me? Oh, this is bullshit! I'm not staying behind." "Gabe. Take a breath." "He's my dad! I'm going." "It's going to be dangerous out there, and I don't want anyone else getting hurt." Kate says. "If we get to save Dad, then getting hurt is worth it. It's worth dying for!" "You're out of control, Gabe. First the shit armory, now this? How am I supposed to trust you to do anything? How are any of us? Nobody here is gonna let you be a martyr, Gabe. Your life is precious."

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