Chapter 5: Plans Never Work.

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Clem rolls under the door just in time, because Javi kicks the tire jack out from under the door and it slams shut. "Holy shit." Clem says. "You couldn't wait one more second?" She asks Javi. "I had to act fast." Javi says. Before Clem could say anything, several gunshots from outside get their attention. "Hey! I'm here!" They hear David yell from outside the locked door. "David!" Javi says as he goes to open the door.

"Don't you dare let that fucking baby thief in!" Clem threatens as she shoots next to Javi. "Don't make me do this." "He'll die." Jesus states. "He deserves worse." Javi listens to Clem and backs away from the door. Clem lowers her gun and Jesus runs over and unlocks the door. David runs in and shuts the door. "I thought you were a good man." Jesus tells Javi. "We need to barricade the door." He says as Clem runs and tackles David to the ground and puts her gun to his head. "Where is he?! I know you did something with him!" Clem demands. "How the hell do you know that?" David asks. "A few of your buddies spilled their guts." Sarah answers. "Before we actually spilled their guts." "What?! How many?!" David asks. "Eleven. You want to be number twelve?" Clem asks. "Wait, you two have killed how many?" Tripp asks. "What? We tried to find out from them until the last one told us only you know." Sarah says as she walks next to Clem and David. David stays quiet for a while, which Clem gets furious at and hits him with the pistol. "WHERE!?!" "I don't know." Is all David says. "I gave AJ to Lingard and told him to do what he had to to keep him safe." He explains.

Clem let's go of him, walks over to the wall and punches it. "You're lying." "Clem, isn't this good news?" Javi asks. "How should we believe you?" "Frankly, you sound like the last ten guys we interrogated." "Clementine, and...." David looks at Sarah. "And you are?" "Sarah." "Oh. So you're real." "Excuse me?" "We all thought Clem made you up, since we never found you when looking for you." "You're a goddamn idiot." "Either way, I'm telling the truth. Only Lingard knows where he is now." "Then we're going back." "None of us are going anywhere until the walkers clear." "Oh fuck you." Clem says before walking away. "Clem.." Sarah says as she walks after her. "What's your plan, David?" She hears Javi ask. "We used to store a vehicle up this way. Provisions. I came to get you set up." "And?" "And say goodbye. I don't want you to worry about Kate and Gabe. I'll take care of my family from now on." "Fine. Take care of them. It's about time you stepped up." "You've got some nerve."

Sarah ignores the rest of their conversation and walks over to Clem. "Hey." Sarah starts. "We're one step closer to AJ." "Do you think we should believe him?" Clem asks. "Do you still have one eye?" "Fuck you." "I'm trying to lighten the mood." Their conversation is cut short when the door burst open and walkers start walking in. "Board it up." Jesus says as he dropkicks the walkers back out the door and Tripp slams it shut. "We need something to buffer, something heavy!" "There! Help me!" Javi quickly points out as he and David run over and push a crate into the door blocking it once Tripp gets out of the way. "Wait a half second, where'd you find this?" Tripp asks as he looks closer at the crate. "Over there." Javi says, pointing out several more crates.

"What the hell is all this?" David asks. "These could come in handy." Jesus says as he picks up a walkie talkie. "Don't want to just take them, but..." "I might be going crazy, but... I think these came from Prescott." Tripp says. "You're right. They did. They're labeled and everything, and not just Prescott. There's stuff from other settlements." Sarah points out. "There's stuff from the Kingdom and other communities I heard got raided a while back." Jesus says. "I don't understand how all this got here." David says. "Like you don't know." Tripp says. "Hey, none of this stuff was here before. I don't have a damn thing to do with it!" "Whoever did this, they have to be stopped!" Javi says. "Damn right they do. As soon as we find out who." "Who else knew about this place?" Jesus asks. "Your outfit is the only one that gutted my town."

"Look how many there are already. Goddamn herd's nearly on us. Hurry the fuck up!" A voice coming from the other side of the warehouse gets everyone's attention. "You hurry up!" Another voice says. "We wouldn't be in this mess if you hadn't gone all trigger happy on David's family." A third voice states. "Take cover." Jesus says as everyone dives for cover behind the crates. "Fuck 'em. I'd do that little bitch again, just to see her head pop." The one voice says as they pass where the group is hiding. "You sure as hell are stupid, ain't you?" "You're only just realizin' that now?" "I told you. Joan is on the warpath. Last thing we need is people getting wind of all this stuff." "Look at this shit. We're frickin' rollin' in it."

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