Chapter 2: More Friends Nobody Wanted.

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"Now, can one of you please untie me?" The man asks. Sarah glares at him. "Close your eyes and count to a hundred." "Wait, just — my family. I need to go back to them. We were attacked and I don't... Look. I just need to know where I am. We were driving down the 522... and that's when we found the junkyard. They're still there. I need to get back to them." The man pleads with Sarah.

"You said you were driving?" Clem asks, recovering what little sanity she has left. "In our van, yeah." "We'll take you to the junkyard. If you let us have your van." "Yeah, absolutely. You got a deal." "Good." Clem and Sarah both get up, grabbing their guns, Clem also grabbing her crowbar. "Let's go." The man starts walking with Clem and Sarah walking behind him. "This really necessary?" "We don't know you." Clem states. "We don't trust you." Sarah states. "And we're not taking any chances." Clem finishes. "Look. I get it. You both are being cautious." The man says. "Glad we understand each other." "The name's Javier, by the way. me Javi." Javi says. "I'm Clementine, this is Sarah. Though you probably overheard us." "Well, it's nice to meet you both anyway."

They walk until a walker approaches them, but Clem kicks it in the knee and stabs it in the head with her knife. "You're good at that." Javi says before they continue walking. "Look, neither of you want to talk? Fine. But how 'bout you give me that gun back so I can at least defend myself?" "For all we know, you would turn around and use it on us." "I'd say we can protect one another, but I think you're both good the way you are." "We give you a weapon, one of us can't take our eyes off you. At least this way, we know what we're up against.

Javier looks to the road ahead and sees a herd of walkers. "Muertos...the herd caught up with us." He says, crouching. They three of them run to the other side of the road and take cover behind a rock. "Muertos..." Clem repeats. "What do you call 'em?" "Walkers." "What do you call the ones that run?" "They're all fucking walkers, okay? Look...We're just...We haven't been around much with many other people. Not for a while. I mean, we have made friends." "Apology accepted." Javi says. "We weren't apologizing." "Well, you weren't." Sarah says.

"So, who's at this junkyard?" Clem asks. "My brother's kids...and his wife." "It's impressive...surviving this long. Not sure how you did it." "Well, I didn't do it alone. My, uh...Uh...Kate, helped. She did most of the work, actually." "Sounds nice...having more than one person to look out for you." "Well, I'd say that, but my nephew isn't the most helpful. What 'bout you two? You both must've been pretty young when this shit started." "We were, but people looked out for us too." "What happened to them?" "Same thing that happens to everyone."

They spot more walkers. "Shit." Javi says. "We can't stay here." Sarah says. "There's a town up ahead. We can stay there until the herd passes." Clem suggests. "Yeah, sure. Lead the way." Javi says. Clem pulls out her knife. "Don't make us regret this." Clem says, cutting Javi's restraints. Clem also gives the gun back to Javi. "Come on!" Clem yells and they all run towards Prescott.

They stop a little ways from the gate as it slowly closes from a bunch of walkers approach it. "Get to the gate!" Clem yells as she runs for the gate, shooting walkers with her shotgun and Sarah kills a few with her assault rifle. "Just keep going! They'll open up!" Clem says, but the gate closes on them. "Hey!" "Shit!" "Dammit, Tripp! Open the fucking gate!" Sarah yells, pounding on the gate. They turn to face the walkers, but the walkers are shot down. They look to see Tripp shooting walkers from the guard post. "I can't open the gate 'till you clear them out! Can't risk it!" Tripp yells. The three of them start shooting walkers. Clem switches to her pistol when her shotgun is empty, but as she pulls the trigger, the gun fires a blank. "Fuck! These bullets won't fire!" The walker she was aiming at grabs her and pins her to the wall. "Clem!" Sarah goes to shoot the walker, but Javi shoots the walker in the head first, and Clem shoves it to the ground and stomps on its head. Tripp then shoves the gate open. "Get your ass inside! Come on now!" He yells. Javi, Clem and Sarah get inside and just before Tripp closes the gate, a woman riding a horse gets inside the gate. Tripp closes the gate.

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