Chapter 3: Problems Never Stop.

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The pipe bomb exploded, knocking Javi down and out cold. It also sent Clem flying to the ground. "Clem?!" Sarah yells, as she opens fire on the shooters. Clem gets up and drags herself behind cover. "I-I'm fine!" She yells to Sarah. Sarah takes cover next to Clem. "You're not fine, dammit! Look at yourself!" Clem takes note of the several shrapnel pieces lodged in her. "Now stay down!" Sarah yells as she opens fire on the shooters, hitting a few more.

The rest of the shooters take flee back where they came from. Sarah fires a few more shots at them to make sure they stay gone. Sarah sighs. "They're gone." She turns her attention to Clem. "Can you move?" "Doubt it. I can barley feel my legs..." "Shit. You still got those pliers?" Clem pulls out a pair of pliers and gives them to Sarah. "This will hurt a little." Sarah says, as she grabs one of the shrapnel pieces with the pliers. "It's gonna hurt a lot more tha-AHHH!" Clem screams as Sarah removes one of the shrapnel pieces. "Sorry." Sarah says, then she notices Clem's expression slowly fading. "Hey, stay with me here. There are several more to remove. Talk to me, just so you don't pass out on me." Come shakes her head. "Right..." Sarah pulls out another piece of shrapnel, causing Clem to yell in pain again. "If you'll answer me, Clem...what was your time with Lee like?" "What do you mean? I've told you enough." "You told me up to the drug store part, you also mentioned cannibals?" Clem sighs. "We were low on food, so when these two guys come by and say they have plenty of food for all of us. We couldn't just say no. Ah! Fuck!" Clem yells as Sarah removes another piece. "Stop yelling." Sarah says, going to remove another piece. "Screw yo—Ah! You piece of shit!" Sarah starts laughing. "I swear, if I wasn't crippled because of Javi's dumbass, I'd strangle you right now." "Would you now? I'd kick your ass." "You wanna go another round? I fight better when I'm sane." "Oh, okay then. Why don't we fight once Javi wakes up? He can judge." "Heh. You always make the best out of a dire situation." "You know one of us has too." Sarah says, while removing the last piece of shrapnel. "And frankly, I don't think the crazy one is the best person to do it."

Javi regains consciousness and sits up, coughing. "Take it easy." Sarah says as he gets up. "What happened?" He asks. "Scared them off." "Oh God. Mariana." Javi looks at Mariana's body. "Don't worry." Clem says. "We'll dig a grave for her." "Thank you." Javi looks at Clem. "Shit. Are you okay?" "Can barely move, struggling to not pass out, can't breath. Yeah, I'm okay." Clem says. "Right." Sarah stands. "Come on. I'll dig the grave." Javi picks up Mariana's body and Sarah grabs a nearby shovel.

Sarah digs the grave outside the junkyard and Javi puts Mariana's body into the grave. "We'll never forget you. You were a good sister to Gabe. And...and like a daughter to me." "You should've gone with them." Sarah says. "What? I couldn't let you two handle them without help." "You nearly got Clem killed." "I tried to help." "You got her impaled by shrapnel. I'm pretty sure if you left, that wouldn't have happened." "Look kid, if you got a problem with me, go ahead and say it." "Fine. I don't care about you or your little family issues. It's a waste of both of our time. We just need a ride, and that's it." "You got some nerve, you know? I thought you trusted me?" "We helped you for a vehicle, nothing else." Javi sighs. "Okay. You made your point several times. I get it. Go help Clem. I'll finish up here." Javi grabs the shovel as Sarah walks back to Clem, who's tending to her own wounds. "You good?" Sarah asks. "Yeah, since you left me to do this myself." Clem says as she finishes up. "Sorry." "It's fine. Help me stand." Sarah takes Clem's hand and pulls her up to her feet. Clem struggles to keep her balance for a second but regains it.

The two hear the growl of a walker. "Great." Clem says, grabbing her pistol from the ground. She walks over to find a pinned walker against a car. Clem goes to shoot it, but Javi beats her to it. Javi takes a closer look at the walker and notices a New Frontier brand on its neck. "The other guys had this too. "Ah, shit." Clem says. "What? What's wrong?" "I've run into these guys before." "Who are they? Please." "They call themselves "The New Frontier." They used to be decent people. Now they're....something else. This brand they have... it's like a initiation thing. I was...kind've stuck in their camp for a while. Not by choice." "Really, Clem?" Sarah asks, while changing the magazine on her rifle. "You're gonna lie to him too?" "I...don't know what you're talking about." "Clem, what does she mean? What're you not telling me?" Javi asks. Clem sighs. "Okay...fine." She rolls up her left sleeve, revealing a New Frontier brand on her arm. Javi stares, stunned."You're one of them? Oh, you've gotta be fucking with me right now." "Javi, please. You've got to believe me. I'm not with them anymore." Clem says. "You expect me to believe that, after your friends gunned down my niece?!" "I'm not their friend. I never was." "You trusted them with--." Sarah starts, but Clem cuts her off. "Because I thought they could help him!"

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