The start of everything

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Saras P.O.V.

I was in the shower and i heard alot of men downstairs yelling. I hurried up and got out of the showeer and threw some clothes on and ran downstairs. I looked to my left and saw my dad in hand cuffs and 3 policemen searching the downstairs area. Then i looked out the window and i saw diggy standing next to his car.

Rob- Who the fuck did you tell? Huh?

Officer- Who are you talking to?

Rob- My daughter. (points to me)

I felt like the spotlight was on me and i did everything wrong when really it was him that did everything wrong.

Officer- Sweetheart, come stand outside with the other officer and a friend.

Me- Okay.

I went outside. I ran straight into diggys arms like i knew him my whole life. i started crying in his shoulders. I couldnt hold in the tears anymore.

Diggys P.O.V.

I was standing outside waiting for them to send Sara outside to me. Then i turned and saw her running straight to me. She looked like she was about to burst out in tears. She was in my arms and i held her soo tight. I felt her crying in my shoulder. I kissed her on top of her head and told her everything was gonna be okay. I hate seeing a girl that beautiful cry.

Saras P.O.V.

It fely soo good being in his arms!

Sorry if this is short, Im leaving for vacation in 30 mins and still need to pack, Hope you enjoyed the chapter and ill try tryping more tonight! - Sara:)

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⏰ Недавно обновлено: Aug 15, 2012 ⏰

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