My heart smiled but I couldn't.

Giovanni's POV 

The wheels to our van skidded to a stop in front of a giant crystal looking mansion. It had "Bianchi" across the front. I noticed 4 bodyguards posted outside the gates as I felt my blood boil. He took my girl and this wasn't okay. It took me a while to get to her and I know she thinks I didn't care enough to look for her but Rico is a very private person and he's very hard to find. 

I remember that day a week ago like it was just yesterday. Rico had called my phone and told me the exact car that Celeste was in. All he had said was, "This red challenger is looking mighty nice, Romano." and I knew exactly what he was referring to. I called Celeste in an instance and my heart had dropped.

My anger built back up once again as I let off as many shots as I could from my AK-102 towards the guards, ending their life instantly. We ducked and ran in the house, thanking god for the suppressor  so we didn't alert anyone else. 

"Go up." I said to the rest of my team. "You two, you're going with me." I said to Alessandro and Armando, my brother.

My gun was already suppressed so I held it up slowly and continue walking. We walked into a group of guys in the kitchen, laughing and drinking. So funny how they don't know we're gonna end their life soon. Shots rang off and a full on shootout happened. I heard one walkie for Rico before I shot him dead between his eyebrows. 

Footsteps emerged from down the hall as I picked my gun up, preparing for action. I noticed Rico's head peek out into the room as I let off 30 more shots towards him. More of his soldiers ran down the hall in front of him making me send more bullets their way. As soon as I ran out of those bullets, I dropped my Ak 102 and pulled out the Kel-tec Pistol Tec 901, with an extended clip of course, and sent more shots their way.

Rico ran after we slaughtered every single one of his soldiers. We continued our search for Celeste down the hall as I heard someone's delicate voice flow through my ears. I peeked back at Armando and Alessandro as they looked the same way I did. The sound completely threw me off as I stupidly wandered towards it. Going down stairs and around a slight bend, I ended up in what looked like a dungeon.

Who could keep someone with such a beautiful voice down here?

We reached the door as saw it was completely locked, with a lock and chain. I pulled my gun up one more time and aimed it at the door, completely blowing it damn near off the hinges.

Now I'm a warrior

Now I've got thicker skin

I'm a warrior

I'm stronger than I've ever been

And my armor, is made of steel, you can't get in

I'm a warrior

And you can never hurt me again

I looked around to see Celeste sitting in the corner, looking down at the floor. I was completely mesmerized with the fact that she sang so beautifully, I had forgot where we were and why I was there. 

"We don't have time to wait. Rico got away, we have to get out NOW." Armando said making me instantly put my gun away and picked her up.

Right when her eyes are made contact with mine, tears ran down her face rapidly as she wrapped her arms around my neck.

With that, I kissed her temple and ran out of the house. Not before setting the whole house on fire.

My Angioletto is now back in my arms and I'll never let her go.


We pulled in front of the house in record speed after ditching the other van and switching cars about 78 miles back. Celeste had cried herself to sleep despite the sweet nothing I had whispered in my ear but she hasn't said a thing since we last heard her singing.

I slowly got out the car and made my way towards the house. Celeste stirred in her sleep and woke up soon after. I sent her a sympathetic smile and opened the door. I headed up the stairs to my room, going down the hall to enter my attached bathroom. Completely disregarding my bedroom, I walked into the bathroom and started running bath water for Celeste. She was covered in dirt and blood. I would ask her from what but I was scared to.

I let her relax on the toilet seat before adding some bath salts and bubble bath to the water. When I looked back towards her, her eyes were glistening and I instantly ran to hug her.

I was never taught love or even feelings. I was always taught about mercy and hate. My family wanted me to be completely ruthless and I grew accustomed to it. When Celeste came around, that's all I ever wanted to do. Hate her. Torture her. Hurt her. But I never could. I caught feelings for her quicker than ever and I allowed myself to fall in love with her, everything about her. She makes me happy and I keep fucking up. If it weren't for me, she would've never left the house and got kidnapped. She needs to leave before I end up hurting her more, as much as that pains me to say.

"Celeste, I'm sorry. I know this is my fault and I shouldn't have--"

"Baby, you home?" A voice emerged from the other room, causing my blood to run cold.

Celeste's head whipped towards the room as she slowly raised herself from the seat. I reached up for her but she held her hand out, telling me to stop. 

Me being completely hard headed, I followed after her into my bedroom to see her staring at a very naked Alessica laying on my bed.



sotc: fallin' in luv x Lil Yachty

Sorry for the delay babies.

I've been really going through it but I'm going to get it together, I promise.

How do you think Celeste is feeling?

What the fuck does Alessica think she's doingggggg?

What do y'all think about what Giovanni said about letting her go? What do you think is gonna happen?




I know ya'll probably are going to be upset with me and I'm sorrrrrrryyyyyy. 


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