The litter

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Some where in July

"Mom when can I get a dog" I ask. "it will be awhile Sammy just died." My mom replied. ok your probably wondering who Sammy was Sammy was my very first dog a little chihuahua mix he died a week before and there was a big hole in my heart. "I was thinking of a yorkie!" I said trying to make my mom reconsider "those are cute." she said "or a French bull dog!" I said nudging her "eeww no there not cute at all!" she said (she didn't like French bulldogs because of there ears) "I think they are" I mumbled we had a ton of boys at my house my brother will (he's eight years old) had three of his friends over. one of them was Matthew his family didn't have many pets they had a milk snake and one time they had a bunny but they had to give her away. Well their dad had just agreed to letting them get a puppy their seventeen year old daughter was babysitting for a young couple that just had twins. their rescued dog they just got from the shelter (she had a crippled leg) had a litter of eleven puppies they were labs! (my dad loved labs in fact they were his favorite dogs!) I went with them on the trip just to see the puppies it was a long ride done the high way then we came to a stop and turned, wow what a nice house it was just off the lake I felt my heart thumping inside my chest has I new I was gonna get to hold a puppy the couple came out to greet us the twins were sleeping and I was jumping up and down we went under there porch (which was there basements porch) it

Was dark because it was about 10:30 pm I saw a big gate well about

Up to my stomach and I saw little black figures jumping up and down and two brown figures just as excited three or four of them had ribbons on there necks "what are the ribbons for?" I asked. "oh that, that means there already taken." the man said. he lifted me over the fence then he helped Matthew over and his brother Tim (Matthews brother not the guys) I had puppies jumping all over me so I sat on the floor to greet them all "hi puppies!" I said. they jumped over my shoulders, licked my shoes, but only one of them could get to my lap. it was the runt! I looked into his eyes and he looked into mine and I knew which one i wanted but then I realized I was only here to look for one not get one I almost started to cry, "oh yeah." Mrs Barbara said "your dad said if you find the perfect one you can bring it home." my frown went up into a smile ear to ear my face was glowing with delight. "really?" I said. "yes." she said "really like your not kidding ." I said in unbelief, she giggles "nope I am totally serious!" she laughed and smiled (miss Barbara was Matthews mother.) then Matthew picked one and we went up to there house, they took pictures and they let the mother see her puppies for the last time she licked them and cleaned them up almost like she was saying "alright boys you be good now you hear and keep yourselfs cleaned up." I almost felt said for taking her kid but then "say cheese!" SNAP! "alright I'll text these to you" "ok" miss Barbara and the lady talk "THANK YOU!" we said as we got in the car two puppies with us hurrah! we headed off to Walmart to get some supplies

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