Making new friends (part2)...........

Start from the beginning

"Len... Allen, what are you thinking?" Mama asked me with a concerned look on her face. Ray too was looking at me with a frown on his usually expressionless face. I pursed my lips for moments before smiling again before anyone can notice my previous expression. I shook my head in reply, "Nothing."

She smiled and gestured for me and Ray to come closer and sit beside her. I hesitated for a second before finally going to her. When I sat near Mama on the other side of the bed only then did I notice that Papa was kneeling on that side of the bed.

I looked at him. He was pale like all the blood in his body was drained. "Mama, why is Papa kneeling?" I questioned.

"Allen, what are you talking about I can only see an old broken nightstand there." She answered with a smile. "Ah... now that I think about I should probably throw it out its useless anyway." She continued with a smile. Papa after hearing that looked up at her with tears on the rim of his eyes.

"Melinda, I'm sorry about what happened. I promise you it will never happen again." Papa pleaded. "What do you mean by will never happen again? Do you seriously think that I will ever let them be alone under your supervision ever again?" Her voice was cold like ice making Papa shiver. "What did I tell you before you went out with them huh?" Her eyes were cold as ice that even Ray and Arnette flinched on the side.

"That if anything happened to Ray and Allen I... I will never see another sunrise in my life." Papa stuttered out. "Hm... so Arnette," Arnette flinched at his name being mentioned. He looked at her, scared. "Y... yes Melinda-san." "What was Ray's and Allen's condition when you all came back?"

"The.... they were near about to enter the first stage of mana exhaustion." He answered not looking at her. It's hard to believe that Arnette, who was literally slaughtering those bandits there like a crazed man slaughterer, was now scared to the point where he was stammering.

"Now, what do you have to say for that huh?" She looked at Papa who was trembling on the ground. Stella, on the other hand, seemed unaffected by the whole scene and was continuing to do her work as usual. I really felt bad for Papa so I finally decided to speak up. "Mama, it’s not papa's fault. We disobeyed him and went there on our own."

"Huh?! Where did you and Ray go Allen?" She looked at us puzzled. At that moment Papa and Arnette looked like they both saw a ghost. Their pale face became even more pale. "Arnette," Mama called out. Arnette on the other hand suddenly got frightened and turned his face away, trying to get away from Mama's gaze. "Hmm.... so you are not going to tell me." She glanced at Arnette who gulped and refused to look towards her. "Very well, I shall deal with both of you later." Mama sighed and turned her attention towards me and Ray.

"Ray, Allen, I heard that you gave a group of children a name." Both Ray and I nodded. She once again sighed as she continued. "It was my fault that I didn't teach you this before. You know what a contract is right?" Both Ray and I nodded, "It's when a magical beast, demon or a human forms bond with another person and establishes a master and servant relationship." Ray answered. She nodded approving what Ray said as correct then continued. "Ray, Allen, our family or in more correct terms the three of us have a special kind of trait. Normally if a person wants to form a contract with another person you would need their consent. But in our case we don't need their consent we can form a contract if we want to without their consent. In a similar way we can also nullify two people's contract out of our own accord. Do you understand what I'm saying?" We nodded in reply.

"So usually when you form a contract with a person, you bestow a name upon completion of the contract. But, Ray, Allen, we just need to give a person a name to form contract with the person." When I heard Mama's explanation then it finally dawned upon me what she was trying to say. "Although I won't say anything because it wasn't intentional but both of you unknowingly forced those kids into submission." Ray looked down on the floor with a guilty expression. "What can we do to correct that?" He asked.

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