Lissa returned the smile. "No problem! It's my job to help those who need healing!"

Going over to where Thalia and Rowan were, Lissa was using her staff to heal the two of them. Slowly but surely, both Rowan and Thalia were coming to their senses, opening their eyes.

Link smiled widely, letting out a sigh of relief. "Thank Hylia that the two of you are alright."

Rowan rose up from the ground, holding his head in pain. "What in the world happened? Where are we?" His attention turned towards the group of three. "And who are they?"

Chrom gave Rowan a smile. "I'm Chrom. And this is Frederick and Lissa, my little sister."

Frederick slightly bowed. Lissa smiled at Rowan. "Oh wow! You look just like a prince!"

Rowan chuckled, shaking his head. "I'm no prince. I'm Duke Rowan of Hyrule."

Lissa's jaw dropped in awe. "A duke?! I swear that you look more like a prince!"

Frederick still wore his same expression. "There's that Hyrule name again. Just where in the world is that?"

Link pulled out the Sheikah Slate, hoping it would work. He grunted in surprise, seeing that it still worked. "Maybe this will help?" He showed the digital map to the group of three.

The group of three looked at the Sheikah Slate in awe, Chrom spoke up. "What is that device? I've never seen anything like that before."

"It's called a Sheikah Slate. It just shows a map of where I'm from, and it can take pictures."

Lissa looked amazed at the Sheikah Slate. "That's so cool! Where you're from must be ahead of its time or something!"

Frederick was looking at the map, his face looking confused. "I have never seen this map or its regions before. These names are unfamiliar to me."

Being quiet for a while and just listening, Thalia spoke up. "So does that mean you truly don't know the land of Hyrule?"

Frederick shook his head. "I do not. And who might you be, milady?"

"My name is Thalia."

Lissa's eyes sparkled, suddenly grabbing both of Thalia's hands. "You're so pretty!"

Thalia felt flattered, blushing at Lissa's compliment as she shyly smiled. "Thank you very much."

"Tell me." Chrom spoke up. "Do you plan to go back to this Hyrule land or were you here to sightsee?"

"Well..." Thalia paused for a moment, not knowing what to say without sounding crazy. "We're trying to find our way back to Hyrule. Some evil man had used his dark power on us, and the next thing we knew, we ended up here."

"I see..." Chrom paused for a moment. "If there's any way we can help, we can lend you some assistance."

Link was thinking to himself, shaking his head. He didn't want them to get mixed up in all of this. "Thank you for your offer, Chrom. But I think we got it covered."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, we'll be ok. We'll figure out a way to get back to Hyrule."

Chrom looked unsure about Link's words, but nodded while smiling. "If you end up changing your mind and need some assistance, you may enter Ylisstol and call for us."

Link smiled back. "Thanks a lot."

"I've been meaning to ask since I've noticed. Your sword has a unique design. What's its name?"

"Oh, this?" Link pulled out his sword. "It's the Master Sword. I'm the Hylian Champion so I ended up being this sword's master."

"I see. It has a similar story with my sword, Falchion. Only descendants of Naga can wield it."

Link, Thalia, and Rowan arched an eyebrow. They had never heard of that name before, Link speaking up for the two's behalf. "Naga?"

Chrom nodded. "She is our god."

"Almost like Hylia... I think I get it now..." The next second, Link looked like he had realized something. "Wait... If you said that sword can be wielded by the descendants of your god, then does that make you some kind of prince?"

Chrom let out a chuckle. "You could say that I'm the prince of Ylisstol."

Link wasn't too surprised about that. He knew someone very well that had a similar story like Chrom's. "That's almost like Zelda."


"Yeah, she's the princess of Hyrule. Speaking of her, we need to save her from that jackass."

Chrom had his serious face on. "Do you need a hand?"

"Thank you, but no thank you. The three of us are about to find our way back to Hyrule."

"You three are something else..." Chrom gave them a smile. "I wish you luck on saving this princess of your land. I hope that we can meet again."


"Our doors are always open for you whenever you need our help. Until then, farewell friends." With that, Chrom began to walk away with Lissa and Frederick following behind.

As those three were out of sight, a smile appeared on Rowan's face. "Those people are really nice. We must come here next time with Zelda."

"Yeah, totally." Link nodded, looking like he was thinking to himself. "But how the hell are we supposed to get back to Hyrule? We don't have a map for this region, so we don't even know where to go."

As Thalia was listening in on the two, she had a sudden flash of Empress Shizuka speaking this into her mind. Whenever you find yourself lost, your heart will guide you.

Thalia's chest area started to glow, forming a transparent pink rose. Her eyes widen at the sight, not knowing what was going on. Link and Rowan grunted seeing such a sight, rushing towards her with worry. "Thalia!" The two shouted.

The glow on Thalia's chest area grew even more. Link and Rowan got to her, touching her shoulders. The glow got brighter, shielding their eyes. They had vanished from the field. Only silence remained.

Fabricated Fate - A Breath of the Wild Fanfiction حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن