"Oh! I see! You must be good friends with the Zoras or something. Are you close with them?"

"You can say that. I am good friends with the princess and prince there. And the funny thing is, the Zora princess is actually the Zora Champion."

Thalia was in awe about Link's Zora story. "What's the Zora Champion like?"

Link arched an eyebrow. "You sure are asking a lot of questions. Are you interested in Zoras or something?"

Thalia nodded. "I find the Zora race quite interesting. When I was younger, my parents told me a story about how they met. They were both travelers at first, ironically staying the night at Zora's Domain. They bumped into each other, and it was love at first sight. The Zora people were really nice to them, they even celebrated my parents becoming a couple. One of the Zora's there helped my parents wed. I always wanted to see Zora's Domain for myself ever since I heard that story."

Rowan smiled at Thalia's story. "That is a lovely story."

Thalia smiled back. "Yeah. It's like that place has an effect to have people find the one they love or something."

"Zora's Domain is quite lovely. I've been there quite a few times as well for royal business. I think you will be amazed."

"I'm really looking forward to this next destination!"

Link was listening into the conversation, smiling to himself. "I'll tell you one thing. Mipha is a really nice person. Though it seems like she's always on edge when she's with me. I don't know why."

Thalia and Rowan looked at one another, looking like they had an idea. Thalia cracked a smile. "It looks like you have two princesses on your hands, Link."

Link went wide eyed, shaking his head. "Mipha's nice and all, but I don't feel that way towards her. I only have feelings for Zelda like that." He started to blush, soon realizing that he let that slip out. He mumbled something under his breath where the two couldn't hear. "Why do they do this to me..?"

Rowan started to laugh, about to tease Link since he had an opportunity to do so. "What? Can't you take a joke, Link? You said so yourself, didn't you?"

"Oh my Hylia... Why are you using my own words against me?"

Thalia was laughing along with Rowan. "The jokester can't take jokes I see. How hypocritical!"

Link started to blush bright red, feeling embarrassed and flustered all at once. "Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up. I get it. All this time, you wanted to get back at me for teasing the two of you since it's obvious you guys like each other."

That shut Thalia and Rowan up real quick. Rowan cleared his throat, trying to keep himself together. "Link, please. Do not spoil this for me." Thalia grunted at his words. She was starting to question how Rowan truly felt for her.

Link started to smirk, narrowing his eyes in a teasing way. "So you do like her?" He turned towards Thalia with a big smile on his face. "Guess what?! Rowan likes-"

A hand went over his mouth, interrupting his sentence. Rowan's face was angry mixed with flustered. "Would you kindly not do that? I wouldn't do that to you when you confess to Zelda."

As soon as Rowan released his hand from Link's mouth, he started to laugh. "I think it's really sweet. You should really say something soon before you miss your chance."

"I don't have the time to say something like that so soon. Right now, our main priority is to rescue Zelda and inform the champions."

Thalia cleared her throat. "You do realize that I'm right here, and I can hear every word you're saying."

Rowan began to blush bright red, turning away from her. "My apologies... I got carried away..."

Thalia was curious on why Rowan was acting like this. What did he truly feel about her? In her mind, she would ask him once she got the chance.

Link patted Rowan's back. "I'm rooting for you, buddy." Rowan didn't say anything else. His ears were bright red along with his face.

Thalia looked up ahead, seeing a bright blue bridge. "Look! We made it to a bridge!"

At the same time, Link and Rowan looked ahead, Link smiling with confidence. "Then let's pick up the pace. If we ride this mountain up at a fast pace, we'll make it there in 30 minutes top!"

Rowan nodded. "You're right. We have no time to lose. Let's get going!"

The three had their horses pick up the pace, they were now sprinting up the mountain. They were riding almost like they were going in a circle, gradually going up and around like a loop. The mountain had clear blue light posts, marking their way to Zora's Domain. It was a safe path since the only things they saw were harmless animals who fled as soon as they heard the three coming.

It wasn't a long ride before they saw something from down below. The three were still continuing on riding their horses, trying to make it to the crystal blue entrance that was coming up ahead. The sun was still in the sky, feeling relieved that they were ahead of schedule. Before they knew it, the three were about to make it to their next destination: Zora's Domain.

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