But his cat sensitive hearing kicked in when he heard someone shout, "Let go of me you giant piece of rock!"

Moving through the small spaces in between the buildings and hiding behind a bush Stampy saw an Obsidian Golem carrying Stacy under its arm like she was some sort of an accessory. Stacy was yelling and shouting at the golem carrying her, but it didn't seem phased. Though it looked so done with Stacy's squabbling shenanigans.

Stampy had no idea what to do. How am I supposed to save her? He thought. What's my plan? How am I supposed to do this? Why is there a parrot on my head? What if I never get to- hold on. I have a plan!

The Scarlet Macaw on Stampys head looked down at the man it was standing on. Stampy had an emergency plan for anyone who tried to destroy/steal something from his house by training his parrots to... do that thing that birds have a tendency to do.

"Alright, Becca. Time to do what we've practiced. See that golem? He's stealing my friend, I need you to gather your friends and start operation 'Bombs Away!" Stampy whispered. As if the bird understood Stampy it flew off to rally the troops. While Becca the scarlet macaw was away, Stampy followed the golem from the shadows letting his sneaky cat side out.

Stacy still shouted at the golem as if it was going to let her go. "Just because Jesse told me to kill my cow and I didn't do it is no big deal! Can't you find stake elsewhere? I swear once I... what is that?"

Right on cue, a group of parrots flew towards the golem. The golem stood at alert and tried to bat the birds away but it was too slow for the birds. Stampy jumped out of his hiding spot and yelled, "Bombs Away!"

The birds let loose of these 'bombs' and started to poop on the golem. Stacy looked at Stampy and smiled at him but didn't say anything because the golem dropped her flat on her face and started to run away, birds in tow.

"Are you okay?" Stampy asked helping his friend up.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Though there was much more fecal matter than I would've liked. But you were right, that was a good excuse to go to the jungle so much. You have to do that to Jesse later!" Stacy admitted, checking to see if any bird poop got on her.

"Don't worry about the poop. My parrots are trained professionals, they know not to harm any of my friends! But maybe we should talk about this somewhere else?" Stampy suggested.

"Agreed, follow me. I know a place that we'll be safe." Stacy said, grabbing Stampys hand and running into the dark alleys Stampy was just sneaking around in. But before Stacy could bring Stampy to this 'safe place' a blond man in a leather jacket approached them and gave them a daring offer, but they were up for the challenge.

~~~After Romeo is defeated~~~

Once Romeo was finally exposed and defeated by the real Jesse everything was finally going to be normal again (hopefully for longer than a month or so). Once the battle was done the Ocelots all cheered and celebrated. Stacy gave Nell a hug and Stampy was floating down thanks to his legion of parrots.

Though when Stacy saw this she spoke to herself. "Like an Angel coming from Heaven... only Stampy is that angel..."

"Uh, what?" Nell asked.

Forgetting that Nell was right behind her Stacy panicked. "Nothing! Nothing important! I said 'Oh it's like Notch is giving us an angel because Romeo is finally defeated!' Yeah, that!"

Nell gave Stacy a suspicious look. Though when she finally understood and said, "You like Stampy, don't you Stacy?"

"You mean as a friend? So yeah I like Stampy." Stacy said. Okay, maybe she didn't figure it out yet-

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