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I just stood there and stared at him. He noticed that I was probably unable to speak.

"I don't think we've been properly introduced." He smiled. "I'm Reed." he held out his hand for me to shake.

I took his hand and shook it. "Cyrus." 

He giggled. "I know." 

We stood there and smiled at each other awkwardly for about 20 seconds.

"So... You are the one texting me?" I broke the silence with a stupid question.

"No. Yes, of course." He said smiling.

He's so cute and nice and very smiley!

"Heh. Cool." I said.

 "So your Tj's friend right?" I asked.

 His face dropped at the name.

 "Uh.. Yea his friend." he said.

 Just then the bell rang.

"Well... Got to head to class." I said. "It was nice talking to you, Reed!" 

 "You too cyrus!" he exclaimed.

 "Text me!"  He desperately yelled.

I walked away and didn't look back. I was so confused. I had no idea how I felt.

Wow. Reed huh? I expected anyone else but him. I honestly expected it to be Tj.


I walked to first period. I had totally forgotten that Tj is in this class.

I sat down in my normal seat, the middle row in the back.

Then I TOTALLY forgot he sat next to me in this class too!

So as I started getting my stuff out, Tj came in the door almost knocking over two people on his quest to sit here.

He harshly dropped his stuff down and sat down.

I turned and looked at him, but he wouldn't make eye contact.

"Hey Tj. How are you doing?" I said calmly.

People were staring at him. Also, they were staring me because like "I dared to talk to him when he's like this." I heard someone say.

He looked over at me harshly but softened up when he saw me looking at him.

"Cyrus didn't we just have this conversation 15 minutes ago?" He asked.

"Um.. so that's a not good?" I sheepishly answered.

He rolled his eyes and got his health notebook out.

YES I'M IN HEALTH WITH TJ. Yes please do feel sorry for me.

My eyes slowly looked away from my beautiful Tj, and- WAIT did I just say my Beautiful Tj?

Whatever. I looked at my notebook not knowing what else to do because everyone was staring at us.

Then I heard it. I wish no one heard it. Because once that person said it they immediately regretted it.

"Bunch of fags in my opinion."

Tj made dead eye contact with the person and got up from the chair and grabbed him. Then to my disbelief, threw him into the wall.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?" Tj yelled.

"Uh um... nothing." The person tried.
He was lying on the floor clearly in pain.

"That's what I thought" Tj said.

Just then Tj looked dead at me. Then quickly walked past me and left the room.

I felt every single pair of eyes on me.

Forever in my arms ~ TyrusWhere stories live. Discover now