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I headed to the back staircase not knowing what to feel.

I was almost there. Just a bit more walking, and I'll find out who my secret admirer is.

But to be honest? I'm more worried about Tj. Does that mean anything?

Just then, my friends I haven't talked to in days, Andi and Buffy walked over.

"Hey cyrus!" Buffy said.

"Where are you going?" Andi asked.

"Hmm... oh yea. It's none of your business." I rudely replied.

They looked suprised at my reply and I walked right by them and continued my quest to the stupid staircase.

I finally got there. I took a deep breath and turned the corner.

I turned the corner to reveal a blonde boy looking at me. I've seen him before. He's friends with Tj.

"Hey Beautiful"

Forever in my arms ~ TyrusOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora