Wicca (Spell To Bind A Bully)

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What you need:

3 black candles,

Black thread,

Black pen,

Piece of paper,

Empty glass jar with tightly fitting lid.

This spell should not cause harm to the bully, only make them leave you alone.
For greatest effect complete the spell at midnight on a Saturday of a waning Moon.

Set the candles in a triangle shape, large enough so that you can sit in the middle light the candles. Write the bully's name on the paper, and draw a large x over the name.
Fold it three times and say:

I bind you (name) so that you cannot hurt me anymore, both physically and emotionally.
Get out of my life, leave me alone.
I bind you (name) I bind you.

Tie the thread around the folded paper, and pop it in the jar.
Snuff out the candles and add the stubs to the jar.
Screw on the lid. Hide or bury it far away from your property.

( have any questions don't be afraid to ask in the meantime here's another witchy tip:)

( have any questions don't be afraid to ask in the meantime here's another witchy tip:)

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