Chapter Two

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"We need to hurry. We don't have much time," Dumbledore spoke.

I started to panic. Half not knowing what to pack and half still in disbelief.

"No electronics?" I squeaked out and Dumbledore shook his head. "Great. Going back to a time where WiFi and Instagram don't exist yet."

I threw in a bit of everything- summer, winter, fall, spring, and even a stuffed animal. I made sure to pack Ella's favorite toy and my glasses. I didn't know if they had contacts back in 1991 and if they don't, I was determined to use them sparingly. I also grabbed a couple of pictures of my family and a few other essential items. That is, they were essential to me.

"Wait," I paused. "If I'm going to be eleven, some of my clothes won't fit. At least some of the fashion is coming back in style. Wait what am I even saying?"

Dumbledore either didn't hear me or acted like he didn't. I shook my head, not going to bother to repack. After possibly my record time for ever packing, I had one suitcase and one backpack. It still took some time to get Ella into her carrier.

"We must hurry," he said again.

Once I signaled that I was ready leave, Dumbledore made his way over to me and placed a hand on my shoulder. I gripped my suitcase handle tighter and felt my heart pound.

"I will report you to the police if this is a scam," I spoke.

"Now, we have a great distance to travel. It is not only dangerous because of the distance but because this is your first time. You will get sick, but you must never let go. Do you understand?"

I nodded and grabbed his arm.

"Brace yourself."

"Wait, are we ap-"

I felt a rush and I squeezed my eyes shut, losing what I was about to say. I felt my insides moving around. I gripped his arm tighter.

When I felt ground underneath my feet, I opened my eyes. We were in an alley. My suitcase and Ella in one hand, backpack still on my back, and my other hand gripping Dumbledore's arm. The alley was dark with only one light illuminating it. It also had a weird smell, a mix of rain and trash. 

My insides brought me back to reality and I darted away to lose my dinner. I felt my knees go weak and I braced myself on the brick wall. Once I caught my breath, I spoke.

"Did- did we just?" I shook my head. "Don't answer that. I believe you."

I felt my insides turn again.

"Oh my god let's not do this again." I slowly slid down the wall and put my head in my hands. 

Dumbledore moved towards me bringing my suitcase and Ella. He stuck his hand out to me.

"Come," he said.

I took his hand and got back up. He placed a gold chain around both of our necks and I instinctively grabbed his arm again. Dubmledore gave me a small chuckle.

"Now to go back to 1991. A time before you were born, I assume?"

I nodded.

"This isn't going to make me sick again, right?"

Dumbledore didn't answer and grabbed the charm that was on the chain. He spun it many times.

"Wait, Time-Turners right? The books and movies made it seem like it was impossible to be able to travel this far," I said to him.

Dumbledore stopped turning the charm and looked at me with a smile in his eyes.

"Nothing is impossible," he said and spun it one last time.

Anything But Ordinary (A Harry Potter Fanfiction) [PAUSED]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن