"Water is turned off. Sorry." I holler over.

"Thanks, Jayden. You tried. Don't let it beat yourself up." Kenny says.

I take a look at Duck. His skin is fading color, almost matching a ghoul's complexion. There is dried blood by his mouth which is where the blood was running out from before. I know how this is going to end, but does Kenny?

"Uh, Ken? You got a minute?" I ask.

"Sure thing, man." Kenny says, walking off to the side. "So what's up?" Kenny asks.

"When I was looking for that blanket I ran into some trouble. A walker almost got a hold of me." I say.

"Shit, really?" Kenny asks.

"There could be more in the station for all we know. We have to be extra quiet from now on." I say.

"Or we can look around and take them out. I don't know about you but I'd rather go to sleep at night knowing they aren't in here with us." Kenny says.

"We have the tools for it. Are you coming?" I ask.

"I'm afraid not, Jayden. I need to stay here with my family. They need me, Jay." Kenny says.

"Did you just give me a nickname?" I ask with a chuckle.

"It'll stick." Kenny says along with a laugh as he walks back to Katjaa and Duck.

I take a seat in the same chair I fell asleep in earlier. I take a look at Duck. He wasn't looking too good. As the seconds went by the worse he looked. Even though he is going to die, his family is lucky to be able to see his kid grow up, unlike I was able to. I see Kenny checking out the rest of the place. I get up to go talk to him.

"Hey Ken, need some help?" I ask.

"Sure thing. Go check out the room to the right." He replies.

I nod. I grab my knife. I slowly open the door. I look inside to find no threat. All I see is a bunch of uniforms, bullet proof vests, and some ammo. I look on the ground to see a pistol. I pick it up and examine it. It has "survive" carved into it. I pick it up. I look around for some 9MM ammo, since the gun I picked up is a 9MM. I find a box of rounds.

I load a couple of clips and slip them into my pocket. I put one clip into the pistol. I find a holster lying on the ground. I pick it up and put it on. I look on a chair and see a leather vest. If one of those white eyed things bit into that, there is no chance it is breaking through to my skin. I slip it onto my body. I walk back outside the room.

"Find anything useful?" Kenny asks in a sorrowful voice.

"There is a shit ton of ammo back here. Also some bullet proof vests." I say.

"Great. We are gonna be here a while, so we better find a secure place to sleep in this police station. I say we use the room you just found." Kenny says.

"Sounds good to me. If you need to talk I'm here Ken." I empathetically say.

"Thank you, but no thank you." Kenny says.

"Just... just spend as much time with him as you can. Trust me." I say.

"I'll be spending plenty of time with him after he gets over this." Kenny demands.

"Kenny I –

"Spit it, Jay. He'll be fine, he needs time." Kenny insists.

"Okay, okay. Just go sit with him. I'm gonna set up the beds." I say.

Kenny nods, and goes over to Duck. I walk back into the room I was just in. I grab a couple of the uniforms off the hangers. I start to form the uniforms into a bed type shape. I do this four times, one for each of us. I then make a pillow out of the uniforms for each of us. I lay down on my 'bed'. Thoughts flow through my head as I drift off to sleep.

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