Nateiplier (septicpat) and Felix

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Nate is a prince/adventurer

Mark is a youtuber/charity worker

Matt is a doctor/youtuber

Sean is a servent/knight for Nate

2 months ago

Nates POV:
My name is nate i am a prince yep a rich guy who you probably think is mean but im nice but my dad he threats everyone and that is why no one my age talks to me except for sean but everyone calls him Jack. One day i was in my room scrolling threw YouTube (yes wee have WiFi were not in 1919 boiii) sean was lyeng next to me (they are both the same age nates only friend) he especially likes the game theory one he says he is cute and  he is smart but hey dat is my jack he fantasies about him. Sooo anyway we were still scrolling and then we found a lets player named Markiplier and we settled on that we watched his "try not to laugh video 15"(i put vid on top). I thoght he was sexy and then sean said "ehh he's ok" i look at him confused "what he is better than ok i mean look at those dimples" he then say "ok if you say soo" and this guy made me think mabey i should meet him and i will bring jack with me like i mean obvislly like if I'm gonna survive L.A. i gotta have protections.
I then tell jack "hey jack were going on a new adventure" he then brightens up and says "were too?" And i said "L.A." he said "wait you mean on the poor side" he said terrifiedly i then looked up where is L.A. and of couse it said "L.A. is a villige were the poor live and the thefies are and the killers i advise you should not live there" what the fuck why would they describe people like this me and jack have never been out the contry we were usually in this kindgdom we were the masked heroes people don't know who we we they knew jack was my sidekick but the did know i was bloodheart (pls dont hate the name i know its stupid) so i got up from the bed and got a suitcase and started stuffing clothes in jack then looked at me puzzled and said "ok but im not coming" he said crossing his arms i then smirked and said "ohh ok i just though you would like to meet..... MATPATT" he than looked at me and said "fine im coming your just lucky im desperate" and he got a suitcase and started stuffing money and clothes and i started packing clothes and some gold bars jack looked at me weirdly and i said "for the poor" i then put my crown in the suitcase. And we finished and we got up and we looked around for guards to make sure the coast was clear i should of know we got out and we made i heard my dad yell "NATE!" i then got scared i jack grabbed my hand and we went to the dark forest and w he pulled me into the portal.

"Excuse me sir are you ok" i heard someone say it was a guys voice
I then said "huh" he than said i fluttered my eyes open and i saw a guy he said "oh good your awake" it was Mark i then said "where am i?" He than said "duhh L.A. where else" he than put wet cloth on my arm there was a bruise i flinched he noticed and said "dont worry stay still" i then said "why are you helping me" he then said "its my job to help my people" i said "wait i thoght you were rich i mean you have a youtube channel" he then said "wait how do you know i have a channel" i then remembered people here dont have phones or a computer. So i just said "oh i looked through a rich persons house and they we watching you" i lied smiling innicoéntly he looked at me like he did not believe me but then nodded in understatement and i felt kind of uncomfortable and i looked around and saw there was a room and in the room there was jack asleep and a doctor next to him i went up to the window and was looking "jack..." I said worriedly mark came over put his hand on my shoulder and said "don't worry he is ok " i felt tears forming in my eyes i knew the portal was a dangerous idea all because i wanted to meet someone who i did not know. Wait a minute who is the doctor i looked closer to his face and realised it was freaking mattpat i realized i was staring to long becuse he noticed and waved at me i looked away and sat down and i saw marks face looked angry and i decieded to ask him "sooo you were born here?" he looked at me and nodded i then saw my luggage on the ground i got up my leg limping "uggg" i felt my insides hurting i walked up too it and opened it up it still had all my stuff in it except ohh noo my CROWN i then looked at mark and walked over to him and said "uhh do you know were uhh if someone got something from my stuff?". He then nodded and got up to a cabnet and opened it and in his hands were the crown he walked over to me he was about to give it too me when he said "i cant believe i helped a theif" he than put it in my hands and got his backpack and was about to leave when i walked up to him  "im not a theif!" I said harshly he then glared at me "than prove it" i gulped nervously he then got back up and said "yeah thats what i thought" i then got up got his arm and pulled it bringing him over to the crown and i said "look" i pressed a button that was on the crown and then a halagram came on and it scanned my face "welcome prince nate how may i help you?". I then looked at mark his jaw opened wide and then he said "wait prince n....nate" and i smirked and said "yes?" And then he got down and kneeled down "pease forgive me for not believeing you please i begg you to not get my head" i then smiled and said "hmm ok" he than smiled and said "thank you" he than scratched his neck and said "soo why are you here" i then lied and said "ohh a black hole sucked me and my uhh..." What do i call jack? wait what if i make mark jealous i then said "and my boyfriend" i then pointed to jack mark then sighed and said "ohh" i smilied and said "do you guys have a portal or something?" Honestly i just want to go home he then said "uhh matt knows how to build it..." I smiled but then frowned when he said "but we need money for the supplies and it takes 10 days until its fully ready" i groaned and said "finne" he looked at me confuse i grabbed my luggage and took out 5 gold bars and laid them next to his arm and he looked at it "wow ok" he said taking a swig of voldka he than got up and went up too matt and whispered something i did not understand wow for a guy that can yell he sure can be quiet and matt smiled and nodded and he walked over too me pulled up a chair in front of me and said "so princey you want me to build you a portal?" I then nodded and "ok how much you have" i then grabbed the five bars and said "here you go" his eyes widened "wow this is alot" he than said "your a good guy " i then smiled and i asked him "what is with jack is he ok?" He smiled worriedly and said "dont worry he will be fine he just has a couple broken bones" i started getting teary eyed he was my only friend the only one that understand me tucked me in at night he was like a brother what if he never gets better he than said "aye mark show him around the city and get him comfortable" mark smilied and got my laggage "ohh your defently staying with me" he than grabbed my hand and we ran "why are we running!" I said running out of breath "becuse if we walk people will steal your stuff" he said still full of breath then he stopped running and i looked up i saw a house it was ok but the inside was better we walked in and i saw him jump on the couch and he seemed tired i saw my luggage on the ground eww his house its dirty even though there was only some papers on the ground and some cans of soda i then sat on the chair next to him and let my head fall on the back and i let out a loud sigh he heared and said "you ok?" He said with a confused look "no not at all like this is just the beginning" i said sarcasticly i then sat up straight he rolled his eyes and layed down on the couch "wow thanks" he said i chuckled "your a good guy mark" he then looked at me and smiled "you too" i then smiled

"Aye Mark Your Home" i heard a guys voice say i then tured around i saw a guy with a beard and dyed white hair and a Swedish accent come in. "Ohh hey" he said waving at me i then waved at him i saw him grab a coke and fall on the couch next to mark kicked his feet up on the table and said "whats your name buddy" i looked directly at him "the names nate" he smiled nicely "well nice to meet you nate my name,s felix" he then looked at mark and said "soo mark this is your new boyfriend ain't it" mark then got up shaking his hand nervously and blushing " its just this is my friend" he then stopped shacking "he is the prince" felix than opened his eyes and spit the soda on mark "WHAT THE FUCK!..." He than put the can on the table and got up "wait hold on a freaking minute you got any proffe" i then rolled my eyes and got up to my suitcase took out the crown and placed it on his hands "there does that prove it" he then nodded put the crown on the table and sat down put his hand and his mouth "but why are you here?" "Look a portal and marks friend is trying to build a portal to take me and jack back home" he then nodded like nothing happened "ok so are we just going to pretend like this is normal" he said looking wierded out

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