First Halloween

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Peter ran down the hall in only a diaper, giggling as his dad chased after him. 

"Come here, you," he growled with a smile on his face as his 3-year old son toddled away, shrieking in delighted fear. He tottered into the living room and hopped onto the couch, bouncing up and down as his father ran in. Tony walked around the corner just as Steve pounced on Peter, scooping him up and tickling his stomach until he let out little shrieks of laughter. Tony smiled at the scene, loving how happy his husband and son were. Peter noticed his other dad and wiggled out of his Papa's arms.

"Daddy!" he shrieked, running towards Tony and hugging his legs. 

"Whoa hey there kiddo", Tony stumbled back dramatically, "careful or you might just knock me over." Peter smiled up at his dad, not easing up on the death grip he held his father in 

"Guess what daddy!" 

"Whats up underoos?" Peter released Tony's legs and returned to bouncing on the couch. 

"Today's Halloween!" he shouted, his whole body quivering with excitement. 

"Really!" Tony looked at Steve in mock surprise. "That's today?" 

"Yeah!!" Peter hopped down from the couch and wandered over to Steve. "Can I put on my costume papa?"

 "Remind me again, what was your costume?" Steve asked with a mischievous look to Tony. Tony opened his mouth, about to speak, when he was cut off by Peter's shouting. 

"I'm gonna be Captain America!!" Steve smiled and picked him up, balancing him on his hip. Peter reached up and latched his chubby fingers onto Steve's blond hair, playing with the strands. 

"That's right kiddo. Now do you wanna put your costume on now or after dinner?"

 "NOW!!" Peter shouted, excitedly wiggling around and almost falling out of Steve's' arms. 

"Alright then, let's go." Steve carried Peter to his room, smirking at Tony as he walked by. Smug little bastard, Tony thought. Just because Pete wanted to be Captain America this year. 

 "Hey, Friday?" He said with a sigh

"Yes, sir?"A mechanical voice responded. 

" Can you order 8 large pizzas from Papa Johns? The usual."

"Right away sir." 

"Thanks, Friday."


All the Avengers were gathered in the living room, eating pizza. Peter was running around in his Captain America costume, complete with a foam shield. He stopped in front of Tony and hopped onto his lap, cozying up to him with a face that could only mean he wanted something. 

"Can we go now?" he asked innocently, looking pleadingly at Tony with puppy dog eyes. "Plleeeeeaaaassseeee?" Tony smiled at his son. 

"Be patient kiddo, Uncle Clint and Aunt Natasha have to finish their pizza first." Peter jumped off his dad's lap and ran over to Clint and Natasha who were sitting on the couch together.

 "Hurry up, hurry up!" he begged them, practically vibrating from impatience. 

"OK OK, we're coming" laughed Clint, getting up to throw his plate away. "Come on 'Tasha, before the kid dies of a heart attack." Natasha sat up and looked at her nephew. 

"You ready to go Peter?" 

"YEAH!!" Peter shouted, dashing for the elevator. Tony and Steve chuckled to themselves before getting up to follow. Peter, Tony, Steve, Clint, and Natasha piled into the elevator. The rest of the avengers were staying behind to hand out candy, or in Thor's case, eat most of the candy then go to sleep.

"Bye guys!" Bruce yelled from the counter. "Have fun, Peter!" 

"I will Uncle Bruce!" Peter called back as the elevator doors shut. 


Peter stumbled from the elevator, followed by his two dads. He was dead tired and yet had insisted on walking all the way back to the compound without any help from his parents. Tony walked over to the kitchen counter and put down the pumpkin bag bursting with candy.  Steve followed Peter over to where he had crashed on the couch. 

"Hey there kiddo," Steve whispered, gently shaking Peter. "You gotta take your costume off before you fall asleep." Peter looked up at Steve and nodded sleepily. 

"M'kay." Steve picked Peter up in his arms and carried him to his bedroom. Once he was there, he gently eased off the Captain America helmet and uniform, then dressed him again in his favorite Iron Man pajamas before placing him in his bed and tucking the blankets in around them. Tony came in just as Peter was curling up next to Steve, a huge yawn taking over his tiny face. He smiled, then came in and joined them. Peter blinked up at his dad and snuggled under the covers. 

"Night dad," he said sleepily. 

"Goodnight Peter," Steve said, kissing him on the forehead. Tony then leaned over and brushed a curl out of Peter's face.

"G'night underoos," he whispered, giving him a little kiss on the cheek."Happy Halloween."

The End

A/n  OK so this is my first story... Basically pure fluff, but I would love some feedback from you guys! Thanks for reading!

Edit Hey, I tried. It's a bit longer and I think I fixed all the grammar issues but seriously 2018 me, could you have been any worse? no, scratch that, I'm sure you could have. Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed the new, improved version, and make sure to check out my other story. Have a good day!

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